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Metropolität in der Vormoderne

DFG-GRK 2337


Prof. Dr. Jörg Oberste

St-grk 2337
Wissenschaftl. Koordination

Dr. Arabella Cortese

Kontakt und Homepage



Samuel M. Bauer

Universität Regensburg - Sedanstraße 1
Raum 229, GRK 2337 Metropolität
93055 Regensburg

Telefon: 0941/943-7651

E-Mail: Samuel.Bauer@ur.de

  • Ausgewählter Tab: CV
  • Samuel Bauer completed his BA in Linguistics at The Ohio State University in 2011, followed by a Master of Library Science at Simmons College in 2013. For seven years he worked as a cataloger and reference archivist at the Schlesinger Library (Radcliffe Institute) and the Harvard University Archives. In 2020 he completed a Master of Theological Studies at Boston College, before moving to Regensburg where he is currently pursuing a doctoral degree under the direction of Dr. Harald Buchinger and Dr. Jörg Oberste.
  • Research
  • Research Interests

    • Liturgical texts of the Orthodox churches
    • Development of urban Byzantine monasticism
    • Intersectionality of issues pertaining to early modern literacy, reader reception, and material culture
    • History of the book and social histories of early printers

    Research project

    From Jerusalem and Constantinople to Venice and Rome: Towards a History of 16th Century Byzantine Liturgical Printing

    This project aims to conduct a systematic study of the early prints of the Byzantine euchologion in 16th century Venice. These volumes are approached in two ways: First, the euchologia are analyzed with respect to their liturgical content as well as the imprints and colophons that provide information regarding the printers, patrons, and editors. Analysis of the texts allows for the identification of instances of editorial correction, redaction, and liturgical development. Second, this study places the euchologia in the wider historical context of the 16th century. The printing of Greek liturgical books for the first time shortly after the fall of Constantinople and in a non-Greek city demands careful examination of historical context and opens up to the exploration of the metropolitan legacy of Constantinople and its reception and reflection in Venice and beyond.


Samuel Bauer completed his BA in Linguistics at The Ohio State University in 2011, followed by a Master of Library Science at Simmons College in 2013. For seven years he worked as a cataloger and reference archivist at the Schlesinger Library (Radcliffe Institute) and the Harvard University Archives. In 2020 he completed a Master of Theological Studies at Boston College, before moving to Regensburg where he is currently pursuing a doctoral degree under the direction of Dr. Harald Buchinger and Dr. Jörg Oberste.



Metropolität in der Vormoderne

DFG-GRK 2337


Prof. Dr. Jörg Oberste

St-grk 2337
Wissenschaftl. Koordination

Dr. Arabella Cortese

Kontakt und Homepage

