Research Focus:
- E-Mentoring in STEM
- Promoting Excellence in School Education: Transfer Into the School Landscape
- Predicting premature match closure in online mentoring for girls in STEM
Uebler, C., Emmerdinger, K., Heyna, K., Kaifer, K., Ziegler, A., & Stöger, H. (2024). MINT-Förderung von Mädchen mit CyberMentor Plus. [Supporting girls in the STEM field with CyberMentor Plus.]. In G. Weigand, C. Fischer, F. Käpnick, C. Perleth, F. Preckel, M. Vock, & H.-W. Wollersheim (Eds.), Wege der Begabungsförderung in Schule und Unterricht: Transformative Impulse aus Wissenschaft und Praxis (pp. 151–164). wbv Publikation. https://doi.org/10.3278/9783763974436
Emmerdinger, K., Uebler, C., Heyna, K., Ziegler, A., & Stöger, H. (2023). MINT-Mädchenförderung durch die Kombination von Online-Expertinnen-Mentoring und schulischer Begleitung [Promoting girls in STEM by combining online-expert-mentoring and school-based support]. In C. Fischer, C. Fischer-Ontrup, F. Käpnick, N. Neuber, & C. Reintjes (Eds.), Potenziale erkennen – Talente entwickeln – Bildung nachhaltig gestalten. Beiträge aus der Begabungsförderung (pp. 211–223). Waxmann.
Uebler C., Emmerdinger K. J., Ziegler, A., & Stoeger, H. (2023). Dropping out of an online mentoring program for girls in STEM: A longitudinal study on the dynamically changing risk for premature match closure. Journal of Community Psychology, 51, 3121-315. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcop.23039
Uebler, C. (2019). Threshold Resummation Studies for Polarized and Unpolarized High-pT Hadron Production at COMPASS. Dissertation, Universität Regensburg.
Uebler, C., Schäfer, A., & Vogelsang, W. (2017). Direct- and Resolved-Photon Threshold Resummation for Polarized High-pT Hadron Production at COMPASS. Phys. Rev. D, 96, 074026. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.96.074026
Uebler, C., Schäfer, A., & Vogelsang, W. (2016). Threshold resummation for polarized high-pT hadron production at COMPASS. PoSDIS2016, 227, https://pos.sissa.it/265/227
Uebler, C., Schäfer, A., & Vogelsang, W. (2015). Threshold Resummation for Polarized High-pT Hadron Production at COMPASS. Phys. Rev. D, 92, 094029. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.92.094029
Uebler, C., Bayer, S., Emmerdinger, K, Ziegler, A., & Stoeger, H. (2024, August). Promoting STEM talent in girls by combining online mentoring and school support. Presentation at the 19th Conference of the European Council for High Ability (ECHA), Thessaloniki, Greece.
Emmerdinger, K., Bayer, S., Uebler, C., Ziegler, A. & Stöger, H. (2022, September). Mädchen für MINT begeistern: Ein kombiniertes Online-Mentoring und Schulprogramm für die Sekundarstufe [Getting girls involved in STEM: A combined online mentoring and school program for secondary education]. Vortrag auf der 5. LemaS-Jahrestagung, Berlin, Germany.
Emmerdinger, K., Uebler, C., Heyna, K., Ziegler, A. & Stöger, H. (2022, September). Mentoring als Maßnahme zur individuellen Förderung leistungsstarker und besonders motivierter Schülerinnen und Schüler [Mentoring as an individual support measure for high-achieving and particularly motivated students]. Workshop auf der 5. LemaS-Jahrestagung, Berlin, Germany.
Uebler C., Emmerdinger K. J., Ziegler, A., & Stoeger, H. (2022, July). Dropping out of an online mentoring program for girls in STEM: A longitudinal approach on the dynamics of risk using survival analysis. Presentation at the 6th Network STEM and Gender Conference, Munich, Germany.
Uebler, C. (2016, April). Threshold resummation for polarized high-pT hadron production at COMPASS. Presentation at the 24th International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects, DESY, Hamburg, Germany.
Research Focus:
- E-Mentoring in STEM
- Promoting Excellence in School Education: Transfer Into the School Landscape
- Predicting premature match closure in online mentoring for girls in STEM