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Bernhard Fruehwirth

PT 5.0.12

Fr _hwirth

Tel. +49-941-943-5956
Fax  +49-941-943-1993


Bernhard Fruehwirth


  • Ausgewählter Tab: Research
  •  Research Focus:

  • Publications
  • Fruehwirth, B., Heilemann, M., & Stoeger, H. (2024). The gender representation of women and men in the occupational areas of STEM and care work in German textbooks. Linguistics and Education, 80, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.linged.2024.101284

    Frühwirth, B. (2018). Young (Adult) Carer. Einblicke und offene Fragen [Young (Adult) Carer. Insides and open questions. Demenz. Das Magazin, 36, 34-36.

  • Presentations
  • Presentations at Scientific Conferences:

    Fruehwirth, B. (2019, September). Theory? What theory? – A critical review of the current (feminist) textbook research from a gender-theoretical perspective. Presentation at the 15th IARTEM Conference, Odense, Denmark.

    Fruehwirth, B., Heilemann, M., Schirner, S. & Stoeger, H. (2019, March). The gender-specific representation of Care and STEM occupations in textbook knowledge using the example of Bavarian textbooks. Presentation at the international closing conference “Blurring Boundaries – Rethinking Gender and Care” of the interdisciplinary Bavarian Research Association ForGenderCare, Augsburg.

    Frühwirth, B., Heilemann, M. & Stoeger, H. (2018, November). Die Darstellung von Geschlechterrollen in bayerischen Schulbüchern am Beispiel von Pflege- und Technikberufen [The presentation of gender roles in Bavarian textbooks using the example of nursing and technical professions (presentation)]. Kurzvortrag auf den 18. Münchner Wissenschaftstagen, Munich, Germany.

    Frühwirth, B., Heilemann, M. & Stoeger, H. (2018, September). Care und Gender in deutschen Schulbüchern. Die mediale und geschlechtsspezifische Repräsentation von Care-Kontexten in modernen Schulbüchern [Care and Gender in German Textbooks. The media and gender-specific repre-sentation of care contexts in modern textbooks (presentation)]. Vortrag auf der Jahrestagung der DGfE-Kommission Pädagogische Anthropologie, Hamburg, Germany.

    Frühwirth, B., Heilemann, M. & Stoeger, H. (2018, September). Gender, Care und MINT in deutschen Schulbüchern. Über die geschlechtsspezifische Repräsentation von Care- und MINT-Berufen [Gender, Care and MINT in German textbooks. About the gender-specific representation of care and MINT professions (presentation)]. Vortrag auf der 83. Sektionstagung der Arbeitsgruppe für empirische pädagogische Forschung (AEPF), Lueneburg, Germany.

    Frühwirth, B. (2015, September). Conceptualizing Young (Adult) Carer activities as "non-work"? Reflections and search movements on the concept of caring beyond the work paradigm. Presented at the Momentum Congress, Hallstadt, Austria.

    Poster Presentations at Scientific Conferences:

    Fruehwirth, B. (2019, October). The binary gender code in textbooks. An unfinished business of the feminist textbook research. Poster presented at the international conference “Categories in Flux. Continuity and/or Change?” of the research training group “the persistence of gender binaries”, Tuebingen.

    Fruehwirth, B., Heilemann, M., & Stoeger, H. (2019, September). Is the gender-specific representation of STEM professions still an issue in current educational resources? An analysis using the example of Bavarian science textbooks. Poster presented at the 15th IARTEM Conference, Odense, Denmark.

    Fruehwirth, B., Heilemann, M., Schirner, S. & Stoeger, H. (2019, March). The gender-specific representation of Care and STEM occupations in textbook knowledge using the example of Bavarian textbooks. Poster presented at the international closing conference “Blurring Boundaries – Rethinking Gender and Care” of the interdisciplinary Bavarian Research Association ForGenderCare, Augsburg.


 Research Focus:




Bernhard Fruehwirth

PT 5.0.12

Fr _hwirth

Tel. +49-941-943-5956
Fax  +49-941-943-1993
