Hackert, S., Laliberté, C., Mailhammer, R., Wengler, D., & Zeidan, R. (2025). Past Marking in Australian Aboriginal English on Croker Island: Local Versus Cross-Variety Patterns and Principles. Journal of English Linguistics, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/00754242241298990
Hackert, S, Laliberté, C., & Wengler, D. (2024). Past inflection around the world: A cross-variety analysis of New Englishes. Lingua. 307, 103776. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lingua.2024.103776
Laliberté, C., Wengler, D., & Keller, M. Fc. Linguistic Strategies of Estrangement in Historical Fiction: Bridgerton and Downton Abbey. Anglistik – International Journal of English Studies.
Stuka, C., & Wengler, D. Fc. Mesolectal creoles: Barbados and the Bahamas. In Stephanie Hackert, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Caribbean English. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Laliberté, C., Keller, M., & Wengler, D. (2023). “So, I trucked out to the border, learned to say ain’t, came to find work”: the sociolinguistics of Firefly. Linguistics Vanguard. https://doi.org/10.1515/lingvan-2023-0013
Hackert, S., & Wengler, D. (2022). Recent grammatical change in postcolonial Englishes: A real-time study of genitive variation in Caribbean and Indian news writing. Journal of English Linguistics, 50(1), 3-38. https://doi.org/10.1177/00754242211052490
Hackert, S., Laube, A., & Wengler, D. (2020). English in the Bahamas and developmental models of world Englishes: A critical analysis. Modelling world Englishes: A joint approach to postcolonial and non-postcolonial varieties, 251-273. https://doi.org/10.1515/9781474445887-015
Popp, C., Wengler, D., Stöger, H. & Ziegler, A. (2025, Januar). Diversitätsforschung in der MINT-Bildung: Ergebnisse eines Scoping Reviews [Diversity research in STEM education: results of a scoping review]. Vortrag auf der 12. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), Mannheim, Germany.
Hackert, Stephanie, Sarah Potye & Diana Wengler. 2024. Genitive variation in spoken Late Modern English: A multivariate analysis of the Old Bailey Corpus. International Computer Archiver of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 45) Conference, Vigo, Jun 18-22.
Laliberté, Catherine & Diana Wengler. 2024. Newswriting in the Caribbean diaspora: Americanization and other trends in The Panama Tribune. International Computer Archiver of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME 45) Conference, Vigo, Jun 18-22.
Hackert, Stephanie, Catherine Laliberté, Robert Mailhammer, Diana Wengler and Ronia Zeidan. 2023. Past tense marking in English on Croker Island: implications for variation and change in English. The 7th meeting of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE 7), Brisbane (Australia), Jun 19-22.
Hackert, Stephanie, Kimberly Carcamo Rodriguez, Diana Wengler, Catherine Laliberté & Melanie Keller. 2022. The “Panama letters”: Reconstructing the roots of contemporary vernacular Englishes in the Caribbean. Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE), Ljubljana, Sep 15-17.
Laliberté, Catherine, Diana Wengler, Melanie Keller & Stephanie Hackert. 2022. The language of 21st century historical fiction: Bridgerton and Downton Abbey. 9th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE), Ljubljana, Sep 15-17.
Laliberté, Catherine, Diana Wengler & Melanie Keller. 2022. Linguistic strategies of estrangement in Bridgerton. Anglistentag, Mainz, Sep 02-05.
Laliberté, Catherine, Melanie Keller & Diana Wengler. 2021. “So I trucked out to the border, learned to say ain’t, came to find work”: The sociolinguistics of Firefly. Workshop Corpus Approaches to Science Fiction, ICAME42, Dortmund, Aug 18.
Wengler, Diana. 2020. Spracheinstellungen und Unterricht. ILKA - Empirie in der Sprachwissenschaft, University of Augsburg, Jan 15.
Hackert, Stephanie & Diana Wengler. 2019. Producing cultural authenticity: A soap opera as a source of historical creole data? BICLCE 19, Bamberg, Sep 26-28.
Wengler, Diana. 2019. Dialect on air: A Bahamian radio soap opera as a source for investigating diachronic change? SPCL 19, Lisbon, Jun 17-19.
Wengler, Diana. 2019. Bahamian dialect on air: The Fergusons of Farm Road. University of the Bahamas, Nassau, Mar 06.
Laube, Alexander & Diana Wengler. 2018. “All I is is heart“: A diachronic approach to copula variation in Bahamian Creole. Workshop Modeling the Linguistic Architecture of World Englishes, Vigo, May 24-25. Genitive variation in English: focus on semantic relations.
Hackert, Stephanie & Diana Wengler. 2017. Genitive variation in English: focus on semantic relations. Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE), Vigo, Sep 28-30.
Hackert, Stephanie & Diana Wengler. 2016. Recent grammatical change in postcolonial Englishes: A real-time study of genitive variation in Caribbean and Indian newswriting. International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL), Essen, Aug 22- 26.