Sonja BayerEinfluss des familiären Kontexts auf die MINT-Interessenentwicklung |
Linda BeckerleThe professional (state) self-concept: The central mediator in the context of occupational stress? |
Bernhard FrühwirthThe gender representations of care and STEM occupations in textbooks |
Fabian HellerRole models: When are they (in)effective?
Dr. Marina KaasLurking im virtuellen akademischen Förderkontext: Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens auf einer Online-Mentoring-Plattform |
Viktoria KarleEffects of fine and gross motor skills on learning to read and write in the context of embodied cognition theory |
Shirley KwokWellbeing of East-Asian students |
Matthias MaderImplicit theories on mentoring |
Stefanie StillerSoziotopanalyse im Hinblick auf die akademische Lern-/Leistungsfähigkeit im Grundschulalter |
Dr. Claudia UeblerPredicting premature match closure in online mentoring for girls in STEM |
Rebecca WinterThe link between fine motor skills and language - does gesture play a role? |
Dr. Daniel Patrick BalestriniAssessing environmental background variables important for successful mentoring in talent development and gifted education (e.g., in outlier arts) |
Dr. Tobias DebatinSelf-concept and educational choices in STEM: A research |
Dr. Ursula FischerOn the interplay between fine motor skills, finger counting and numerical processing |
Dr. Michael HeilemannConditions of successful talent development in digital mentoring processes |
Dr. Linlin LuoEffective mentoring for talent development in STEMM |