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Registrar's Office

Universität Regensburg
93040 Regensburg


In urgent cases:

Tuesday to Thursday
9 am to 12 am

Terminating enrollment (Exmatriculation)

If you would like to end or interrupt your studies at the University of Regensburg, you can do this via the University of Regensburg student portal (SPUR). After registering with your access data in SPUR, the application can be reached via "Service" - "Applications" - "Exmatriculation" or alternatively via "My studies" - "Study service" - "My study programs" - "Exmatriculation".

You will then receive certification of the termination of the enrollment, which will be needed for a new enrollment at a German institution of higher education, and is also needed by many public authorities. You will also receive certification of your period of study.

Retroactive termination of enrollment is not possible (the earliest possible date is that of the receipt of the application).

Note on the UR card: please remember to get a refund of any credits on the card from the mensa card office of the Student Union for Niederbayern/Oberpfalz before you return it.

Terminating enrollment after passing your final examinations

According to Art. 94 Para. 1 of the Bavarian Hochschulinnovationsgesetz (BayHIG) all students' enrollments are terminated at the end of the semester in which they pass their final examinations. This means either September 30 or March 31. The decisive factor for the termination is the award or receipt of a degree certificate.

Should you need to terminate your enrollment before the semester ends, you can apply for such a termination at any time.

Should you wish to take up a place in another program during the next semester at Universität Regensburg, you need to apply for a change of program before the re-registration deadline. This is done with the Registrar's Office.

Registrar's Office

Universität Regensburg
93040 Regensburg


In urgent cases:

Tuesday to Thursday
9 am to 12 am