In case you are already enrolled at Universität Regensburg and you want to continue your studies at the Universität Regensburg in the summersemester 2025 you are required to re-register.
If you do not re-register, you will be de-registered at the end of the current semester (30 September 2024) (see Art. 94 Abs. 2 BayHIG).
You can re-register by transferring the semester fee of EUR 198.00 during the re-registration period until 07 february 2025. (The fee consists of the student services fee of EUR 82.00 and the semester ticket of EUR 116.00.)
Please transfer the fee to the amount of EUR 198.00 during the re-registration period latstes until 07 february 2025 to the bank account specified below:
(Please note: Your payment can only be identified if you do not change the order of the information in the payment reference.)
You will not be re-registered until your payment is credited.
After your payment is credited (about one week after the transfer if you pay from a german bank accont), you will receive your certificate of enrollment in SPUR via My Studies / Study Service / Reports for download. After this step, you can validate the UR-card at one of the validation terminals. Where these validation terminals are located, you can find here.
Please do not forget to validate the UR-card! During the validation process, a new period of validity (until 30 september 2025) will be printed onto the UR-card. Without this print, the UR-card loses its validity at the end of the current semester (31 march 2025).
Please also check whether your address in SPUR is still correct und in case it is not, please change the address online via SPUR via My Studies / Student Service / Contact data.
If you want to change your degree programme or any of the subjects you study, you must submit the according applications to the Registrar’s office (Studentenkanzlei) by the end of the application period.