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Registrar's Office

Universität Regensburg
93040 Regensburg


In urgent cases:

Tuesday to Thursday
9 am to 12 am

Leave of absence

Student can be freed from the obligation of normal study in accordance with Art. 93 Para. 2 Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz (BayHIG), should they have good reason.

The following, in particular, are recognized as reasons for a leave of absence:

  • Study abroad
  • Suffering from illness oneself
  • Childcare
  • Internship related to studies
  • Voluntary service
  • Care for near relations if the care cannot be carried out by another person

After registering with your access data, the application for leave of absence must be submitted online via the SPUR portal "Service" - "Applications" - "Leave of absence" and must be supported by suitable evidence (upload as a PDF file) as part of the application. After selecting the reason for leave of absence in SPUR, please note the information on the required evidence at the top of the page.

Evidence is to be given for the reason for the leave of absence. The reason for the leave of absence must extend over at least half of the teaching period.

The application for the leave of absence should be made during re-registration. Applications made at a later date can only be dealt with when the reason for the leave of absence was not foreseeable. Should the reason for the leave of absence only arise later, without being foreseeable, then the application can still be made up to December 15 (for the winter semester taking place) or June 15 (for the summer semester taking place). These are cut-off deadlines. In the case of internships, the application is to be made before the internship starts. It is not possible to declare a leave of absence for a semester that has already passed. It is only possible to have a leave of absence in the first semester of study when the reason for the leave of absence arises after registration and was not foreseeable before the registration.

Length of the leave of absence

A leave of absence can generally only be awarded for up to two semesters (exceptions are made for maternity, childcare and care of other close family members).
A leave of absence can only be retracted before the end of the teaching period of the semester for which the leave of absence has been declared.

Courses and examinations during a leave of absence

No course or exam credits can be taken for the first time during a leave of absence. Writing a thesis or dissertation counts as an exam credit. Retaking examinations which have been failed is possible. In general, deadlines for retaking examinations are not affected by a leave of absence, unless the examination regulations provide for a different rule. Should the deadlines for retaking examinations be unchanged, and you will not, with good reason, be able to take the retake in time, then you will need to make an application for an extension to the examination deadline in good time. The leave of absence does not release you from withdrawing from individual examinations.

Special information on leaves of absence due to childcare

Mothers and fathers have the right to parental leave up to the end of the third year of the child's life. A part of the maximum of three years parental leave amounting to up to twenty-four months can be carried over to be used later, up to the child's eighth birthday.
Students can use parental leave to provide care for

  • a child, for whom they have custody over;
  • a child of a non-married father, who is not entitled to custody, with the agreement of the mother who is entitled to custody.

There is entitlement to parental leave when the child lives in the same household as the applicant and is mainly cared for and brought up by this person.
The parental leave can also be taken by both parents simultaneously. The parental leave is, however, limited to three years for each child.

Registrar's Office

Universität Regensburg
93040 Regensburg


In urgent cases:

Tuesday to Thursday
9 am to 12 am