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Study Recommendations

All study programs are regulated by the university's study and examination regulations. These regulations are legally binding. They stipulate what students have to achieve during their studies and specify the examination procedures:

Lehramt Gymnasien - Latein (Staatsexamen) - German version only
Latin Philology B.A.

The following recommendations of the Chair of Latin Philology are crucial for structuring students' studies and creating their timetable. Detailed information is available in German only:

Lehramt Gymnasien - Latein (Staatsexamen)
B.A. Lateinische Philologie/Literaturwissenschaft
M.A. Lateinische Literaturwissenschaft


Inschrift Ausschnitt Sr
  1. Faculty of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Chair of Latin Philology


Institute OF
Classical Philology

Universitätsstr. 31          
D-93053 Regensburg /PaRCEL
D-93040 Regensburg /LETTER

PHONE 0941 943-3396
fax      0941 943-1980