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Latin language training for students of all faculties is tought in three successive courses:



Kenntnisse’ is the most basic level, mainly for B.A. programs
Gesicherte Kenntnisse/Kleines Latinum’, mainly for students studying to be a teacher at a German Gymnasium
Latinum’ - this course prepares students for the state-run 'Latinum' exam

All three courses are held in German, the first and most basic course starts in winter semester only. To successfully take part, a very good knowledge of the German language is essential.

For more detailed information please refer to the German version of this site.

Please contact the Chair of Greek Philology for any questions about Graecum courses.


Inschrift Ausschnitt Sr

  1. Faculty of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Chair of Latin Philology


Institute OF
Classical Philology

Universitätsstr. 31          
D-93053 Regensburg /PaRCEL
D-93040 Regensburg /LETTER

PHONE 0941 943-3396
fax      0941 943-1980