DSH Training (online)
The DSH Training is a one-week preparation course designed to familiarize students with the DSH test and prepare them for the test by looking closely at its structure and format. During a total of 30 learning units, students get to know the test format by completing typical tasks and a total of four sample tests and acquire strategies to successfully pass the DSH. The course includes a mock exam, which gives you feedback on your performance level. The course takes place online and combines instruction via Zoom with learning units on the e-learning platform of UR.
The DSH Training is especially aimed at DSH candidates who have not taken a study or DSH preparation course at UR.
- Applicants or students of Universität Regensburg or OTH Regensburg
€150 (including the test fee and learning material)
€ 100 (without the test fee, including learning material)
Registration for the DSH Training is only possible if you are admitted to the DSH at Universität Regensburg.
Registration is available online by using a registration form. All candidates admitted to the DSH will be informed about the DSH Training by e-mail and will receive the link to the online registration form in advance.
DSH Training compact (online)
The DSH Training compact is a self-study unit on the e-learning platform of UR designed to to help students prepare for the test and the process around it in a focused and efficient way. Working with a sample exam, students get to know the test format and develop strategies to successfully pass the DSH. The DSH Training compact is complemented by the "DSH-Sprechstunden" (DSH consultation hours), where questions about the test format and test procedure are answered.
The DSH-Training compact is especially aimed at DSH candidates who have not yet participated in any study or DSH preparation course at UR.
free of charge for candidates admitted to the DSH
Registration for the DSH Training compact is only possible if you are admitted to the DSH at Universität Regensburg.
Registration is not required. All candidates admitted to the DSH will automatically receive access to the DSH Training compact approximately one week before the test date.