After successfully completing the Intensive Course, students receive a "Schein" (certificate) with their ECTS credits and grades. In total, there are 12 ECTS credits to be awarded for the Intensive German program. The criteria for getting ECTS credits are as follows:
- Regular attendance (at least 75%)
- Active participation in class
- Successful completion of all mandatory course assessments (e.g. tests)
The awarded grade has no influence on the number of ECTS credits that students receive. The overall grade is determined by the median grade from the two major pillar courses. The Language Course is weighted 75% and the Language Training 25%.
Each course is assessed as follows:
Language Course:
- mid-term test (40%)
- final test (60%)
Language Training:
- Active participation/on-course performance assessment (40%)
- Course-related work/paper/project (60%)