Visiting students in the German Semester in Regensburg Program get to take advantage of our comprehensive curriculum which covers language levels A1 to C2. These courses allow you to improve your German and build on the skills you already have. At the same time, you get a chance to learn more about Germany and German culture.
Our German courses cover a wide range of essential skills, such as reading, listening, writing, and speaking. At the same time, we want students to experience German culture up close. To this end, we offer classes on German history and literature, film seminars, pronunciation enhancement classes, and other language classes that are tailored to the students’ specific field of study. In addition to these courses, students also get to participate in “Babylon,” the international theater organization here at the Department of German as a Foreign Language. “Babylon” was awarded the European Language Label in 2011 and is one of our most immersive German courses.
Visiting students can also improve their German by making use of our Department’s online platform and the online lectures offered by Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb).