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Grafik: Coming to Regensburg


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How do I apply for a study program at UR?

University Entrance Qualification (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung/HZB)

International applicants need a so-called direct university entrance qualification to be able to study in Germany. They often acquire this entitlement with the completion of secondary school, which qualifies them for studies in their home country. In other cases, a high school diploma is not sufficient and the applicants must additionally prove one to two years of study at a university in their home country.

Preparatory College/ Studienkolleg

International applicants who do not have direct entrance to higher education in Germany (because their previous school and study achievements are not considered equivalent to the German Abitur) can prepare specifically for their studies at the Studienkolleg. The Studienkolleg can only be participated in after passing the entrance examination. Places at the Studienkolleg are limited and in great demand, and applicants must prepare themselves for the entrance examination independently (UR does not offer preparation courses for the entrance examination).

The Studienkolleg Munich is responsible for all universities in Bavaria. Nevertheless, the application is made via the university at which one would like to study later.

Please inform yourself about the requirements for the study qualification suitable for your academic background. Information on this can be obtained from the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Federal States as well as from the DAAD.


Continue to the Website of the Studienkolleg München

Database of the Standing Conference of Education Ministers in German (anabin)

Interactive Database of the DAAD in English (not all countries included)

  1. UR International Office

Coming to Regensburg

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Grafik: Coming to Regensburg


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