At the end of the online enrollment application, you upload further documents and a photo for enrollment.
Enrolling is the last formal step on your way to start your studies. In this step, the “Studierendenkanzlei”/ student office will first check all of your documents and collect your data in your folder, and then assign you a “RZ-Account” to use all of the digital systems of the University Regensburg as well as creating your student ID card.
As soon as your enrollment has been successfully completed, you will see the status "enrolled" under "status" in the campus portal.
Which documents are needed?
- Proof of Payment
- Health Insurance Certificate (will be sent by the insurance directly to the UR)
- Picture for the ID
Proof of Payment
Please transfer your semester fee to the University Regensburg during the period of the online enrollment. The bank account information can be found on the notification of admission. We also need a proof of the transfer, for example an online banking document or a picture/ copy of the transfer slip.
Health Insurance Certificate
You can only enroll at the University of Regensburg when you are able to prove your health insurance with a “Krankenversicherungsbestätigung”/ health insurance certificate.
The healtch insurance certificate for enrollment must be submitted electronically by a German statutory health insurance company to the Studentenkanzlei. The exact name of the document is „Versicherungsbescheinigung für die (Immatrikulation an einer) Hochschule“. You must resquest the certificate from the health insurance company whilst you submitt all other enrollment documents.
The following documents will not be accepted:
- Scan/ Copy of your EHIC-Card
- Certificate of Membership of a Health Insurance
- Conclusion of Contract Documents
We prepared a very detailed information sheet for this. Please make sure to read the information sheet before sending your documents to us. Starting March, you can find further information and explanations regarding the topic health insurance in the online course “Startklar” as well.
What happens, if the documents are not complete or formally correct?
The average processing time is 3 weeks.
If the “Studierendenkanzlei” / student office notices any missing or incorrect documents, you will receive a notification via email. Therefore, it is really important that you check your email account and its junk email folder regularly to make sure you do not miss any important emails.
I am taking the DSH exam at UR at the end of March. Do I also have to send in my documents by September 9, 2024?
Applicants who take the DSH exam on campus before the start of the semester (admission with the note "DSH-fehlt") send all other documents by the mentioned deadline. The exam results will be forwarded internally after the exam and the enrollment will be carried out without you having to report the results yourself.