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University Administration


Martina Fischer

Sammelgebäude, Room 4.12

Phone +49 941 943-7411
E-Mail: martina.fischer@ur.de

Process portal

                                                                                                     Credit: Julia Dragan

WHY a process portal?

The process portal is a central repository where all processes mapped according to the so-called LEAN method (value stream mapping) are stored.

Why do processes need to be mapped at all?

Process mapping is one of the most powerful and effective lean methods for optimizing processes. The goal of process management is to make all processes run as smoothly as possible without any weak points.

Each process is described, visualized, analyzed and presented step by step. Subsequently, the process is redesigned using the so-called turtle method (who does what, by when, how, and who must be informed?). After that, a process is considered being mapped.

The process portal provides everyone invovled in certain processes access to detailed information. Processes published can be viewed by all university members.

This helps to ensure that it is clearly defined and transparent who does what and when. Along with that, processes are digitally accessible to all.

This supports the vision of the university administration:

Administration@UR - United.

Responsible for the future.

Human. Digital. Transparent.

Click here to log in to the Process portal.

Download training documents (only in German) -->

Do you need support?

If you have any further questions, please contact us at organisationsentwicklung@ur.de.

University Administration


Martina Fischer

Sammelgebäude, Room 4.12

Phone +49 941 943-7411
E-Mail: martina.fischer@ur.de