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University Administration


Martina Fischer

Sammelgebäude, Room 4.12

Phone +49 941 943-7411
E-Mail: martina.fischer@ur.de

About us

UR's Organizational Development

is in charge of managing UR's Administration 4.0 project.

What is OD about?

Organizational development (OD) analyzes and addresses relationships, behaviors, and attitudes toward the individual, the working group, other working groups, and the organization as a whole. Mabey and Pugh identify five distinguishing characteristics:

  • OD is broad in scope and takes a long-term and long-lasting approach.
  • OD applies findings of social and behavioral sciences.
  • OD follows a process-oriented approach.
  • OD requires moderation.
  • OD is participative.

Martina Fischer

Organizational Development, Administration, University of Regensburg

Phone +49 941 943-7411

E-Mail: martina.fischer@ur.de

Claudia Högen

Documentation, Tools, Tutorials

Phone +49 941 943-5309

E-Mail: claudia.hoegen@ur.de  or organisationsentwicklung@ur.de

Martina Fischer (l.) is the organizational developer.

Claudia Högen (r.) is in charge of tool and documentation.

Credit: Julia Dragan

OE's student assistant: Yannick Simon Pritschet

University Administration


Martina Fischer

Sammelgebäude, Room 4.12

Phone +49 941 943-7411
E-Mail: martina.fischer@ur.de