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Prof. Dr. Stephan Bierling

Head of International Relations

Building PT, Room 3.1.39
Phone 0941 943-3553
Fax 0941 943-1641



Consultation hour:

every Tuesday 2 - 3 pm


Consultation hour during summer break:

March 17, 2:30 - 3:30 pm

April 3, 11 am - 12 noon

and by appointment via E-Mail


Bierling Portrait 1 Klein  Bierling Presse1 Klein

Bierling Portrait 2 Klein  Bierling Presse2 Klein


Professional Experience

2017 Member of the board for the PhD program "Security and Development" of the Adenauer Foundation
2016 Expert witness for the Special Investigative Committee on the NSA spying affair of the German Bundestag
2015 TV-expert commentator for the Munich Security Conference and the G7-summit
2014 Visiting professor at the University of Newcastle/Australia
2010 Observer at the Munich Security Conference
2009/10 Participant in the Bergedorf Circle of the Koerber Foundation, headed by fr. Federal President Richard von Weizsäcker
2009 - Resident mentor for the stipendees of the Adenauer foundation at Regensburg university
2008/10 Vice President of Regensburg University
2007/08 Dean of the Faculty for Social Sciences, Geography and History
2000/2 and 2004/6 and 2015/7 Director of PoliSci Department and Member of  Faculty Board
2006/09 Extensive lecture tours in China and Chile on invitation of the Adenauer foundation
2002 - Non-Resident Fellow at the Center for Applied Policy Research (CAP) in Munich
2003 Visiting Professor at the University of California/San Diego
2001 German Marshall Fund Fellow at the Pacific Council on International Policy/University of Southern California – Los Angeles
5/2000 - Full Professor of International Relations with a special dedication to transatlantic relations at the University of Regensburg
1999/2000 Professor at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (substituting for a vacant position)
10-12/1999 Visiting professor at Hebrew University, Jerusalem 
1999 - Teaching assignment at the Hochschule für Politik/Munich
2-4/1998 Visiting professor at Fort Hare University in Alice/South Africa (the oldest black university south of the equator. It produced six heads of state and two Nobel peace laureates)
1996/00 Representative of the Privatdozenten (associate professors) on the department board
1996/99 Privatdozent (associate professor) at the Geschwister-Scholl-Institute for Political Science (GSI) of Munich University (LMU)
1995/98 Senior researcher with the project "The Political Economy of German Reunification", financed by the Federal Ministry of the Interior
1995/08 Senior reviewer for Internationale Politik, the leading German academic journal on foreign affairs, for U.S. foreign policy, security matters and the global economy
1994/00 Coordinator of the exchange program between the political science departments of Georgetown University and LMU
1990/94 Executive director of the Interdisciplinary Center for American Studies at LMU
1-5/1993 Visiting professor at Austin College in Sherman, TX (one of the leading liberal arts colleges in the American South)
1989/96 Assistant professor at the GSI (Chair Prof. Grosser)
1986/92 Lecturer in the Munich department of Wayne State University, Detroit MI, and of the Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR
1984/89 Student researcher at the GSI

Education - University of Munich

6/1996 Habilitation (postdoctoral degree)
7/1991 Ph.D. (summa cum laude)
8/1987-91 Graduate studies in political science and contemporary history
7/1987 Master's degree (with distinction)
10/1982-87 Studies of political science, contemporary and medieval history

Awards / Grants / Fundraising

2013 German professor of the year in Social Sciences and humanities (awarded by Unicum magazine)
2011 Runner-up ‘Science Slam’, University of Regensburg
2008/10 Runner-up (twice) for the German Professor of the Year Award of Unicum magazine in the humanities and social sciences
2003 - Fundraising: Full financing of the Vielberth foundation for six one-week visiting professorships at the University of Regensburg
2003 - Non-resident Fellow at the Center for Applied Policy Research (CAP) in Munich
2002 Best Academic Teacher in Bavaria-Award of the State of Bavaria
2000 - Fundraising: Full financing by the Hanns Seidel- and Tausend-foundation for six two-day international conferences in Regensburg
2001 Fellow at the Pacific Council on International Policy at the University of Southern California, financed by the German Marshall Fund of the US
2000 - Fundraising: Over 200.000 € for annual student excursions to Washington D.C. and NMUN in New York and visiting professorships
1998 DAAD-stipend for a visiting professorship in South Africa
1997 Publication-grant of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft/DFG
1996 Ludwig-Erhard-Award for economic analysis
1988/89 Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation - Ph.D. stipend
1988 Gerald R. Ford Foundation - grant for Ph.D. research at the Ford Presidential Library in Ann Arbor/MI
1988 DAAD-stipend for participation in the National Model United Na­tions (NMUN) Conference in New York
Adenauer-Foundation scho­larship


  • German and Euroepan Foreign Policy
  • US Foreign Policy
  • US Domestic and Economic Policy
  • US Electoral System
  • Transatlantic Relations
  • International Institutions: EU, Nato, Uno, IMF, G7
  • International Economic Relations
  • Nelson Mandela and South Africa


Teaching experience

University of Regensburg


  • Introduction to International Relations (in English and German), every ST since 2000
  • Supremacy against will. German foreign policy since reunification, WT 2017/18
  • Decision 2016, WT 2016/17
  • Trouble Spots of World Politics, WT 2001/02, WT 2005/06, WT 2011/12, WT 2015/16, WT 2018/19, WT 2019/20
  • Obama vs. McCain. The 2008 Elections in the US, WT 2008/09
  • German Foreign Policy after 1945, ST 2001, WT 2004/05, WT 2007/08, ST 2015
  • US Foreign Policy, ST 2000, ST 2002, WT 2006/07, WT 2009/10, WT 2014/15
  • US Elections 2012, WT 2012/13

Seminars for graduate students

  • Elections in the USA: Politics, Parties, Presidents, ST 2020
  • Introduction to the methods and practice of strategic foresight and scenario planning in international politics (together with Dr. Oliver Gnad), ST 2020
  • The Trump Presidency - A First Appraisal (together with Prof. Dr. Volker Depkat), ST 2020
  • Triumph and disintegration of the Pax Americana: important essays on international politics since 1990, WT 2019/20
  • Kissinger, Huntington, Mearsheimer: How huge thinkers can help international politics to understand the world of the 21st century, ST 2019
  • President Trump and the collapse of the liberal world order, WT 2018/19
  • The Life and Times of Nelson Mandela (Blockseminar with Prof. Dr. Seán Morrow), ST 2018
  • The Trump presidency: a first assessment, WT 2017/18
  • Decision 2016. Elections American Style  (co-taught in English with Prof. Dr. Gary Jacobson, University of California/San Diego), ST 2016
  • Assessing the Obama Presidency (together with Prof. Dr. Volker Depkat), ST 2016
  • Foreign friends? The US and Europe since the end of the cold war, WT 2015/16
  • From World Order to Disorder, ST 2015
  • Germn Foreign Policy After Unification, ST 2012, WT 2014/15
  • 50 Years After the Shots of Dallas. JFK and his times, ST 2013
  • The Iraq War, WT 2001/12, ST 2014
  • Superpower China?, ST 2011 (co-taught in English with Prof. Dr. Robert Sutter/Georgetown University)
  • South Africa 20 Years after the End of Apartheid, ST 2010 (co-taught in English with Prof. Dr. Sean Morrow/University of Fort Hare)
  • Conflict Zones in World Politics, ST 2008
  • The 2008 US Presidential Elections, ST 2008 (co-taught in English with Prof. Dr. Gary Jacobson, University of California/San Diego)
  • Empires in World Politics, WT 2006/07
  • Great Speeches in International Relations, WT 2005/06, ST 2007
  • Weapons of Mass Destruction. Concepts, Cases, Countermeasures, ST 2005 (co-taught in English with Prof. Dr. Shelton Williams, Austin College)
  • China in World Politics, ST 2003 (co-taught in English with Prof. Dr. Robert Sutter/Georgetown University)
  • 1898: A Turning Year in International Politics and Culture, WT 2002/03 (with Prof. Hebel/American Studies und Prof. Mecke/Romance Studies)
  • International Politics in Films, WT 2002/03
  • Between Uni- and Multilateralism. Bush’s Foreign Policy, ST 2002 (co-taught in English with Prof. Dr. Edwina Campbell/National Defense University)
  • Problems in American Foreign Policy, WT 2001/02
  • The 2000 Elections in the US, ST 2001 (co-taught in English with Prof. Dr. Gary Jacobson/University of California, SD)
  • US Foreign Policy in Transition, every ST since 2000 in Washington and Regensburg (in English)
  • Analyzing the Clinton Presidency, WT 2000/01
  • Towards a New Paradigm in Transatlantic Relations?, WT 2000/01
  • South Africa After Apartheid (in English), ST 2000
  • New Trends in IR Theory (in English), ST 2000
  • Research Classes
  • Master- and Ph.D.-Projects (every term since 2000, from 2000 to 2003 co-taught with Prof. Dr. Clemens Kauffmann, from 2004 to 2010 co-taught with Prof. Dr. Jerzy Mackow)

Undergraduate courses

  • Introduction to International Relations, every term  since ST 2000
  • Introduction to Political Science, ST 2000-ST 2003
  • UC San Diego
  • American Foreign Policy Since  WWII, FQ 2003

University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Seminars for graduate students

  • The Political System of the United States, ST 2000
  • The Cold War: New Research Results, ST 2000
  • The Yugoslav Crisis, WT 1999/00
  • German Foreign Policy after 1949, WT 1999/00
  • The Party of Democratic Socialism in the German Party System, ST 1999
  • Russia under Yeltsin, ST 1999
  • Intellectuals and Politics, ST 1999
  • Lecture
  • Introduction to Political Science, WT 1999, ST 2000

Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

Seminars for undergraduate students

  • Introduction to the political system of Germany (every other semester since 1989)
  • Introduction to International Relations (every other semester since 1989)

Seminars for undergraduate and graduate students

  • Foreign Policy of the Federal Republic of Germany since 1949, WT 1996/97
  • The US Before the 1996 Elections, ST 1996
  • The Economic Dimension of German Reunification, WT 1995/96
  • Changing Paradigms in Transatlantic Relations, ST 1995
  • From Roosevelt to Reagan. The Modern Presidency in the US, WT 1994/95
  • Politics and Economics in the US in the 1990s, ST 1994
  • Introduction to Political Economics, WT 1993/94
  • Whither America? The New Course of the US in Foreign Affairs After the End of the Cold War, ST 1993
  • From Adam Smith to James Buchanan. 200 Years of Economic Thought, WT 1992/­3
  • Politics and Economics in the Bush Era, ST 1992
  • Stages of Decay. Political and Economic Problems of the Fall of East Germany, WT 1991/92
  • Truman-Doctrin and Reaganomics. Selected Problems of Ameri­can Domestic and Foreign Policy, SS 1990/91
  • Neo-imperial Presidency? The Relationship between the Executive and the Legislative Branch in the Reagan Era, WT 1990/91
  • The Political System of the United States: Foundations, Actors, Processes, ST 1990
  • Who Makes American Foreign Policy? Organizational Models and Decisionmaking-Processes from Eisenhower to Reagan, WT 1989/90
  • Cooperation or Conflict? American Foreign Policy Between the Presidency and Congress, ST 1989

Seminars for graduate students

  • The "New Left" in den US, the UK and Germany, ST 1999
  • South Africa after Apartheid (in English), WT 1998/99
  • The Fall and Rise of Great Economic Powers. Theoretical Explanations and Practical Develop­ments in International Comparison, ST 1998
  • The New Order in World Politics (in English), ST 1998
  • From D-Mark to EURO. The Political Economy of European Monetary Union, WT 1997/98
  • Comparing the German Bundestag and the US Congress, ST 1997
  • M.A.- and Ph.D.-candidates coaching, ST 1999


  • US Foreign Policy: Actors, Decision-Making-Processes, Policies, WT 1998/99
  • German Foreign Policy II: Norms, Actors, Policies (1969 - 1997), WT 1997/98
  • German Foreign Policy I: Norms, Actors, Policies (1949 - 1969), ST 1997

Fort Hare University, Alice/South Africa


  • Introduction to German Domestic and Foreign Policy Since 1933, ST 1998


  • The German Social Market Economy - A Model in Decline?, ST 1998

Austin College, Sherman/Texas


  • Modern German Politics, January-term 1993
  • U.S. Fo­reign Policy 1945-1993, Spring-term 1993


  • Current Problems in International Politics and Economics, ST1993
  • China's and Yugoslavia's Role in the UN, ST 1993

Wayne State University, Munich


  • Political Developments in West Germany Since 1945, WT 1990/­91/92

Hochschule für Politik, Munich


  • US Foreign Policy, STs 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005

Hebrew University, Jerusalem


  • Western Aid to Russia: Motives and Strategies of the US and Western Europe, WT 1999
  • The Euro: The Political Economy of European Monetary Integration, WT 1999

Study trips and activities with students

Summer Symposium on American Foreign Policy: 2-3 week-long international seminar with participants from many nations taught every August at the School for Advanced International Studies (SAIS) of Johns-Hopkins-University in Washington, D.C.; consists of lectures by policymakers (e.g. Gates, Powell, Albright, Eagleburger, Colby), academics, analysts, diplomats, and professionals and meetings at the central foreign policy institutions (NSC, State Department, ACDA, Pentagon, Congress etc.); annual participation since 1989 with a total of 350 students from German universities.

National Model United Nations: simulation conference in New York; participation with a Munich delegation in 1988 and an Austin College delegation in 1993; annual participation with delegations of Regensburg university since 2005; win of honorable mention each time.

Have Lunch With Your Prof: Every Tuesday at 1 p.m. during the semester students are invited to lunch with me in the mensa and discuss what’s on their minds.

Studying Political Science – and then what?: Former students of PolSci report about their jobs; every semester.

Economic Problems of the East German Länder: three day excursion with 15 students to Saxony for talks with state legislators, trade unionists, and entrepreneurs (1994).

Economic Competitiveness of the German Economy: visits of the BMW factory in Regensburg and the Siemens factory in Munich and discussions with leading managers (1992).



10) The Reluctant Hegemon. German Foreign Policy Since Unification, Munich: C.H. Beck 2014, 306 p.

9) Nelson Mandela. A Biography, Munich: C.H. Beck 2012, 128 p.

8) A History of the Iraq War, Munich: C.H. Beck 2010, 260 p.

7) The Piggyback Strategy. Europe's Foreign Policy Options, Hamburg: Körber Foundation: 2007, 110 p.

6) A Brief History of California, Munich: C.H. Beck 2006, 245 p.

5) History of U.S. Foreign Policy since 1917, Munich: C.H. Beck 2003 (3rd ed. 2007), 270 p.

4) German Foreign Policy: Norms, Actors, Decisions (1949-1998), Munich: Oldenbourg 1999 (2nd print. 2005), 358 p.

3) Economic Aid for Moscow. Motives and Strategies of the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America (1990-1996), Paderborn: Schöningh 1998, 356 p.

2) Partners or Opponents? The Presidency and Congress in US-Foreign Policymaking (1974-1988), Frankfurt u.a.: Lang 1992, 346 p.

1) The National Security Advisor of the US-President. Anatomy and Background of a Career 1947-1989, Frankfurt u.a.: Lang 1990, 175 p.

If not noted otherwise, books and articles are in German.


48) Mandela and the United States; in: Amerikastudien 2015, 8 p. (appearing shortly, in English).

47) (with Gerlinde Groitl) EU and USA; in: Werner Weidenfeld/Wolfgang Wessels (eds.): Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2013, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2014, 323-328.

46) (with Herbert Maier) EU and USA; in: Werner Weidenfeld/Wolfgang Wessels (eds.): Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2012, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2013, 7p.

45) Obama’s Wars; in: Lösche/Ostermann: The Obama Presidency, Bonn 2012, 69-90.

44) (with Herbert Maier) EU and USA; in: Werner Weidenfeld/Wolfgang Wessels (eds.): Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2011, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2012, 339-345.

43) (with Herbert Maier) EU and USA; in: Werner Weidenfeld/Wolfgang Wessels (eds.): Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2009, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2011, 7p.

42) (with Ilona Steiler) German Foreign Policy towards the US; in: Thomas Jäger u.a. (eds.): Deutsche Außenpolitik, Wiesbaden 2011, 630-647.

41) (with Christian Strobel) German Foreign and Security Policy after Unification; in: Manuela Glaab/Weidenfeld/Michael Weigl (eds.): Deutsche Kontraste. Ein Handbuch 1990-2010, Frankfurt: Campus 2010, 137-170.

40) (with Gerlinde Groitl) EU and USA; in: Weidenfeld/Wessels (eds.): Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2009, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2010, 299-304.

39) (with Gerlinde Groitl) Transatlantic Relations; in: Weidenfeld/Wessels (eds.): Europa A-Z. Taschenbuch der Europäischen Integration, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2009, 334-338.

38) (with Christian Strobel) EU and USA; in: Weidenfeld/Wessels (eds.): Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2008, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2009, 297-302.

37) EU and USA; in: Weidenfeld/Wessels (eds.): Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2007, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2008, 277-282.

36) The US Economy under George W. Bush; in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, APuZ 37-38/2008 (8. Sept. 2008), 28-34.

35) Transatlantic Relations; in: Weidenfeld/Wessels (eds.): Jahrbuch der europäischen Integration 2006, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2007, 289-294.

34) The Rise and Fall of King George. The End of the Neoimperial Presidency; in: Internationale Politik, 7/8/2007, 168-173.

33) Transatlantic Relations; in: Weidenfeld/Wessels (eds.): Jahrbuch der europäischen Integration 2005/2006, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2006, 289-294.

32) Transatlantic Relations; in: Weidenfeld/Wessels (eds.): Jahrbuch der europäischen Integration 2004/2005, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2005, 277-282.

31) The US Economy under George W. Bush; in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, B 45/2004 (1. November 2004), 33-39.

30) Transatlantic Relations; in: Weidenfeld/Wessels (eds.): Jahrbuch der europäischen Integration 2003/2004, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2004, 279-284.

29) A Life Apart. The End of the Special Transatlantic Relationship; in: Internationale Politik, 10/2004, 69-74.

28) The End of the West. Transatlantic Relations since the End of the Cold War; in: Stephan Bierling/Karlfriedrich Herb/Jerzy Mackow/Martin Sebaldt: Thinking Political Change. Challenges for Democracy in a European and International Perspective, Münster/Hamburg/London: LIT Verlag 2004, 18-31.

27) Transatlantic Relations; in: Weidenfeld/Wessels (eds.): Jahrbuch der europäischen Integration 2002/2003, Bonn: Europa Union Verlag, 293-298.

26) Transatlantic Relations; in: Weidenfeld/Wessels (eds.): Jahrbuch der europäischen Integration 2001/2002, Bonn: Europa Union Verlag 2002, 271-276.

25) Difficult Partners. German Foreign Policy between the American and the French Option; in: Reinhard Meier-Walser/Susanne Luther (eds.): Europa und die USA, München 2002, 222-232.

24) Europe and America; in: Weidenfeld (ed.): Europa-Handbuch, Bonn 2002, 639-659.

23) The End of the Long Boom? The U.S. Economy under Bill Clinton and George W. Bush; in: Bierling/Meier-Walser, The Clinton Presidency, Munich 2001, 27-34.

22) Transatlantic Relations; in: Weidenfeld/Wessels (eds.): Jahrbuch der europäischen Integration 2000/2001, Bonn: Europa Union Verlag 2001, 281-287.

21) The Influence of Latinos on U.S. Foreign Policy; in: Internationale Politik 9/2001, 39-44.

20) The Presidential Elections of November 2000; in: Gegenwartskunde, 4/2000, 457-465.

19) Learning from the US means learning to win. Despite all prophecies of doom the US-economy is a role model for continental Europe; in: Politische Studien 4/2000, S. 73-79

18) Transatlantic Relations; in: Weidenfeld/Wessels (eds.): Jahrbuch der europäischen Integration 1999/2000, Bonn: Europa Union Verlag 2000, 273-278.

17) Neither friends nor foes. America and Russia under Clinton; in: Peter Rudolph/Jürgen Wilzewski: American Foreign Policy under Clinton, Baden-Baden 2000, 125-147.

16) South Africa´s Economic Development in the Mandela Years; in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, B 27/99 (2.7.1999), 13-20.

15) America and Europe: A Relationship in Search of Its Purpose; in: Internationale Politik, Vol. 2/1998, 9-18. (in German and Russian)

14) Western Aid to Russia (1990-1996); in: Zeitschrift für Politik, Vol. 4/1997.

13) From the Atlantic to the Pacific Age? The Significance of Europe and Asia for the American Economy; in: Meier-Walser, Reinhard (ed.): The Future of Transatlantic Relations, München: Oldenbourg 1997, 125-137.

12) The U.S. Economy under Bill Clinton; in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, B43/1996 (18. October 1996), 35-43.

11) German Security Policy Since 1990; in: Weidenfeld, Werner/Korte, Karl-Rudolf (eds.): Handbuch zur deutschen Einheit, Frankfurt/New York: Campus 1996, 601-611. (completely revised edition 1999)

10) The Reunification of Germany; in: Grosser, Dieter (ed.): German Politics 1970-1990. Documents and Analysis, Stuttgart: Reclam 1996, 302-402.

9) American Foreign Policy in a New Age; in: Internationale Politik, Vol. 5/1996, 27-32. (in German and Russian/translated)

8) From Reaganomics to Clintonomics. A Counterrevolution?; in: Martellone, Anna-Maria: Toward A New American Nation? Redefinitions and Reconstruction, Staffordshire: Keele University Press 1995, 28-44. (in English)

7) The Legacy of Reaganomics; in: Andersen, Uwe/Bierling, Stephan/Neuß, Beate/Woyke, Wichard (eds.): Politics and Economics at the End of the 20th Century, Opladen: Leske und Budrich 1995, 119-134. (Winner of the 1996 Ludwig-Erhard-Award for economic analysis)

6) Distribution of Foreign Policy Powers between the US-President and Congress 1973-1993; in: Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfra­gen, No. 2/93 (Mai 1993), 261-270.

5) Political and Social Aspects of German Unification: Political Process and Voting Behavior; in: Dalchoong Kim/Werner Gumpel et al. (eds.): The Disintegration of the Soviet Union and Its Impact on Korea and Germany, Seoul: Yonsei University 1993, 159-171. (in English)

4) The State of the American Economy; in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, B44/92 (October 23, 1992), 35-42.

3) The Seven Myths of Reunification; in: Grosser, Dieter/Bierling, Stephan/Kurz, Friedrich: The Seven Myths of Reunification, Munich: Ehrenwirth 1991, 67-122.

2) The Widening Atlantic; in: The European Journal of International Affairs, Vol. II/No. 3 (Win. 1989), 104-119. (in English)

1) Foreign Policy in the Reagan Era: Actors, System Structures, Decision-Making Processes; in: Außenpolitik, 4/88 (Vol. 39), 336-347. (in German and English)

Over 100 book reviews (e.g. Internationale Politik, Süddeutsche Zeitung)


More than 100 contributions e.g. to the International Herald Tribune, Die Zeit, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Rheinischer Merkur, Handelsblatt, German Comments, BBC, Swiss Radio, Bavarian Radio, ZDF, Bavarian Television, Phoenix, CCTV

  2. Institut für Politikwissenschaft (German)

International and Transatlantic Relations


Karin Reindl

Building PT, Room 3.1.40
Phone   ++49-941 943-3555

Office hours:
Mon/Wed 9 am-12 pm
Tues/Thurs 2-4 pm