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  2. Institut für Politikwissenschaft (German)

International and Transatlantic Relations


Karin Reindl

Building PT, Room 3.1.40
Phone   ++49-941 943-3555

Office hours:
Mon/Wed 9 am-12 pm
Tues/Thurs 2-4 pm

Lisa-Marie Geltinger M.A.

Assistant Professor

Geltinger Lisa

Building PT, Room 3.1.28
Phone 0941 943-3528


Consultation hours during the semester:

Thursday, 10-11 am

  • Ausgewählter Tab: CV
  • Lisa-Marie Geltinger is a Research Associate and Ph.D. candidate at the Chair for International Politics and Transatlantic Relations at the University of Regensburg. She completed her Master's degree in Democracy Studies in 2019 with a thesis on 'North Korea's Nuclear and Missile Strategy and Its International Opponents.' During her undergraduate and graduate studies, she participated in various study-related excursions (Ukraine, Washington), acquired Arabic language skills through an extracurricular stay in Jordan, and worked as an intern and student assistant at the Academy for Politics and Current Affairs of the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSS).

    Her research and teaching focus on various aspects of German, European, and American foreign and security policy, as well as the dynamics of regional power conflicts in the Middle East. In her dissertation, she examines the disruptive strategies and practices of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which has been actively attempting to destabilize the regional order in the Middle East through the use of proxies for decades. She is also an alumna of the Hanns Seidel Foundation in Munich, regularly moderates and speaks at various academic events, and serves as an Associate Fellow at the think tank, the Center for Middle East and Global Order (CMEG).

    Since October 2020, Lisa-Marie Geltinger has been a full member of the Cologne Forum for International Relations and Security Policy e.V. (KFIBS) and a member and author of the KFIBS research group 'USA/Transatlantic Relations/NATO.' She is also an associate member of the alumni association 'Philopolis – Friends of Political Science e.V.' at the University of Regensburg.

  • research
    • US foreign, security and defense policy
    • Transatlantic Relations
    • Iranian foreign and security policy
    • Crises and conflicts in the Near and Middle East
    • Smoldering nuclear conflicts - especially Iran and North Korea
    • Research on the Causes of War in International Relations (IB)

  • Current

    Sicherheit und Abschreckung im 21. Jahrhundert (Übung)                      WT 2024/25


    Einführung in die Internationale Politik (Grundkurs)                                      ST 2024

    Der Nahe Osten im Fadenkreuz iranischer Machtpolitik (Übung)

    Washington Summer Symposium on U.S.Foreign Policy (Hauptseminar)

    Workshop von Philopolis e.V.: Bewerbungen schreiben

    — aber richtig! (Workshop)

    Praktische Vertiefung wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens in der

    Politikwissenschaft (Seminar)

    Einführung in die Internationale Politik (Grundkurs)                               WT 2023/24

    Praktische Vertiefung wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens in der

    Politikwissenschaft (Seminar)

    Workshop von Philopolis e.V.: Bewerbungen schreiben                                 ST 2023  

    — aber richtig! (Workshop)                                                                                   

    Praktische Vertiefung wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens in der

    Politikwissenschaft (Seminar)

    Einführung in die Internationale Politik (Grundkurs)                               WT 2022/23

    Einführung in die Internationale Politik (Grundkurs)                                      ST 2022

    Einführung in die Internationale Politik (Grundkurs)                               WT 2021/22

    Einführung in die Internationale Politik (Grundkurs)                                      ST 2021

    Einführung in die Internationale Politik (Grundkurs)                               WT 2020/21

    Einführung in die Internationale Politik (Grundkurs)                               WT 2019/20

    Kriegsursachenforschung in der Internationalen Politik –

    Wie entstehen Kriege und wie können Sie verhindert werden?             


    International organisierte Kriminalität (Forschungsseminar,

    gemeinsam mit Lorena Menes Corrales)                          

  • Publications
  • Publications/Media Contributions

  • Talks
  • Selected Talks and Moderations

    • 'The Middle East Conflict and Iran's Role in the Context of American Foreign and Security Policy,' Speaker at the 'Tutzinger Youth Academy – Political Education Study Days' at the Academy for Political Education in Tutzing, Munich.
    • 'Lessons from Afghanistan for Germany's Future Integrated Engagement,' Moderator at the event of the CSU Working Group 'Foreign and Security Policy Dialogue Upper Palatinate' in Schmidmühlen, Upper Palatinate.
    • 'US Foreign Policy: Actors, Structures, and Strategies in the Light of Selected Theories of International Politics,' Speaker for the 'Supplementary Course Sequence in Preparation for the First State Examination in Political Science and Society (Advanced)' at the Academy for Political Education in Tutzing, Munich.
    • 'The Struggle for Regional Hegemony between Iran and Saudi Arabia,' Speaker at the multi-day seminar 'Security Policy Challenges in the Middle East and North Africa – Opportunities for a Regional Peace Order?' at Kloster Banz (Bad Staffelstein) for the 'International Students and Doctoral Candidates' department at the Institute for Scholarship Programs of the Hanns Seidel Foundation e. V., Munich.
    • 'European Soft and Hard Power – The Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU,' Speaker at the multi-day event 'Advanced Academy Europe: Experience Europe, Get to Know the EU' at Kloster Banz (Bad Staffelstein) for the 'International Students and Doctoral Candidates' department at the Institute for Scholarship Programs of the Hanns Seidel Foundation e. V., Munich.
    • 'The European Union in Ten Years? Workshop on Methods of Strategic Foresight and Management,' Moderator of the Breakaway Sessions for the development of scenarios and strategic options, organized and coordinated by the Institute for European and Transatlantic Dialogue of the Hanns Seidel Foundation e. V., Munich.
    • 'Theories of International Relations,' Lecture at Luitpold-Gymnasium Munich in preparation for the Abitur examination in Social Studies.
    • 'International Security Forum Bonn 2021,' Moderator of the Breakaway Sessions during the Strategic Foresight Online Workshop 'Strategic China,' organized by the Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies (CASSIS) of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn in cooperation with the Institute for European and Transatlantic Dialogue of the Hanns Seidel Foundation e. V., Munich.


Lisa-Marie Geltinger is a Research Associate and Ph.D. candidate at the Chair for International Politics and Transatlantic Relations at the University of Regensburg. She completed her Master's degree in Democracy Studies in 2019 with a thesis on 'North Korea's Nuclear and Missile Strategy and Its International Opponents.' During her undergraduate and graduate studies, she participated in various study-related excursions (Ukraine, Washington), acquired Arabic language skills through an extracurricular stay in Jordan, and worked as an intern and student assistant at the Academy for Politics and Current Affairs of the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSS).

Her research and teaching focus on various aspects of German, European, and American foreign and security policy, as well as the dynamics of regional power conflicts in the Middle East. In her dissertation, she examines the disruptive strategies and practices of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which has been actively attempting to destabilize the regional order in the Middle East through the use of proxies for decades. She is also an alumna of the Hanns Seidel Foundation in Munich, regularly moderates and speaks at various academic events, and serves as an Associate Fellow at the think tank, the Center for Middle East and Global Order (CMEG).

Since October 2020, Lisa-Marie Geltinger has been a full member of the Cologne Forum for International Relations and Security Policy e.V. (KFIBS) and a member and author of the KFIBS research group 'USA/Transatlantic Relations/NATO.' She is also an associate member of the alumni association 'Philopolis – Friends of Political Science e.V.' at the University of Regensburg.





  2. Institut für Politikwissenschaft (German)

International and Transatlantic Relations


Karin Reindl

Building PT, Room 3.1.40
Phone   ++49-941 943-3555

Office hours:
Mon/Wed 9 am-12 pm
Tues/Thurs 2-4 pm