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  2. Institut für Politikwissenschaft (German)

International and Transatlantic Relations


Karin Reindl

Building PT, Room 3.1.40
Phone   ++49-941 943-3555

Office hours:
Mon/Wed 9 am-12 pm
Tues/Thurs 2-4 pm

Christian Sigl M.A.

Assistant Professor

Building PT, Room 3.1.14
Phone 0941 943-3584


Consultation hours: by appointment by email

  • Ausgewählter Tab: CV
  • Christian Sigl is a research assistant and PhD candidate at the Chair of International Politics and Transatlantic Relations at the University of Regensburg. As a Faculty Advisor, he is responsible for the NMUN project and organizes an annual study trip to New York.

    He studied Political Science (with a focus on International Relations) and Public Law at the University of Regensburg in his Bachelor's degree and worked as a student assistant at the Chair of International Politics. In the academic year 2018/2019, he completed the M.A. program in International Relations at King's College London as a scholarship holder of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation and the German Academic Exchange Service.

    In addition to teaching, Christian Sigl is a PhD candidate in International Relations since June 2023. The working title of the dissertation is "Play with fire: The conflict between the USA and Iran, 1979 - 2021." In his dissertation, he is primarily engaging with the concept of ontological security.

    His research focuses on IR theory, critical security studies and global governance / the United Nations.

  • Research
  • Research interests:

    • Ontological Security & Critical Security Studies
    • global governance / the United Nations
    • IR Theory

  • Courses
  • Simulation Conference: National Model United Nations (Exkursion)

    WS 2022/2023

    The United Nations: Norms, Structures, Processes (Preparatory course for the NMUN conference)

    WS 2022/2023

    Regensburg Model United Nations 2022 (Praxisseminar)

    WS 2022/2023



    Einführung in die Internationale Politik (Grundkurs)

    SoSe 2022



    Einführung in die Internationale Politik (Grundkurs) [hybrid]

    WS 2021/2022

    Simulation Conference: National Model United Nations (Exkursion)

    WS 2021/2022

    The United Nations: Norms, Structures, Processes (Preparatory course for the NMUN conference) [hybrid]

    WS 2021/2022

    Regensburg Model United Nations 2021 (Praxisseminar)

    WS 2021/2022



    Securitisation in World Politics (Übung) [digital]

    SoSe 2021

    Einführung in die Internationale Politik (Grundkurs) [digital]

    SoSe 2021



    Einführung in die Internationale Politik (Grundkurs) [digital]

    WS 2020/2021

    A critical perspective on the United Nations: structures, governance, reforms (Übung) [digital]

    WS 2020/2021

    Regensburg Model United Nations 2020 (Praxisseminar) [digital]

    WS 2020/2021



    The United Nations: Norms, Structures, Processes (Preparatory course for the NMUN conference)

    WS 2019/2020

    Regensburg Model United Nations 2019 (Praxisseminar)

    WS 2019/2020

  • Publications
  • Book Review:

    Sigl, Christian (2023) "UN-Simulation im Seminarraum. Besprechung des Buches von Anna-Theresia Krein, Model United Nations. A Practical Guide, Cham: Springer 2023." In: Zeitschrift VEREINTE NATIONEN, Heft 04/2023, Seite 189.


Christian Sigl is a research assistant and PhD candidate at the Chair of International Politics and Transatlantic Relations at the University of Regensburg. As a Faculty Advisor, he is responsible for the NMUN project and organizes an annual study trip to New York.

He studied Political Science (with a focus on International Relations) and Public Law at the University of Regensburg in his Bachelor's degree and worked as a student assistant at the Chair of International Politics. In the academic year 2018/2019, he completed the M.A. program in International Relations at King's College London as a scholarship holder of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation and the German Academic Exchange Service.

In addition to teaching, Christian Sigl is a PhD candidate in International Relations since June 2023. The working title of the dissertation is "Play with fire: The conflict between the USA and Iran, 1979 - 2021." In his dissertation, he is primarily engaging with the concept of ontological security.

His research focuses on IR theory, critical security studies and global governance / the United Nations.




  2. Institut für Politikwissenschaft (German)

International and Transatlantic Relations


Karin Reindl

Building PT, Room 3.1.40
Phone   ++49-941 943-3555

Office hours:
Mon/Wed 9 am-12 pm
Tues/Thurs 2-4 pm