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At the Chair of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Regensburg, our special mission is to conceptualise, implement, publish and validate scientific advances in obstetric medicine.

For this purpose, at the Laboratory of Translational Perinatology with a focus on immunology, the research team leaded by Professor Maria Emilia Solano work together with Professor Köninger and the clinical team at the Clinic St. Hedwig to advance the knowledge in our field.

By investigating human samples, mouse models and carrying out clinical trials, we carry out translational research in the following key topics:

  • Immunological causes of impaired placental function and fetal growth
  • Immunological control of natural and timely onset of labour
  • Immunological causes of preterm birth
  • Regeneration of the uterus after birth
  • Causes of defect healing of caesarean section scars
  • Causes of repeated miscarriages

At the Clinic St. Hedwig we conduct in-clinic research. Within this, our major project "Biobank" deals with the acquisition of various biomaterials such as blood, placenta and uterine tissue samples for example in high-risk pregnancies and births.

Chair of Gynecology and Obstetrics

St. Hedwig Clinic

Biopark 1