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Doctoral Scholarship

The doctoral scholarships are part of the ReForM Programme of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Regensburg. The ReForM Module D promotes particularly talented students of human medicine and dentistry with a doctoral scholarship. Awarding this funding aims at the recruitment of excellent young scientists for research. Particularly motivated and excellent students of human medicine or dentistry are to be supported in the realisation of outstanding doctoral theses through a grant towards their living expenses.The award of the scholarship enables the completion of a structured doctoral programme.

Here you will find an overview poster (in German)


The doctoral scholarships are funded by the Faculty of Medicine. Scholarships are awarded in accordance with the guidelines for the ReForM Programme, Module D.

A scholarship is awarded in the amount of € 1.025/month to cover living expenses. If the applicant receives a regular income from other sources, it must be guaranteed before the start of the scholarship that this income is not expected to exceed € 538 net per month for the entire duration of the scholarship.


  • Applications are open to students of human medicine or dentistry in the clinical phase of their studies at the University of Regensburg.
  • The scholarships can only be applied for and granted for a consecutive period of 8 months.
  • An extension or follow-up applications are not possible.
  • There are no thematic restrictions. Fundamental scientific topics / projects from clinical research or health services research are eligible.
  • The doctoral thesis must be supervised by a full-time university lecturer in the service of the Free State of Bavaria from the Faculty of Medicine or the Faculty of Biology and Preclinical Medicine (medical specialities) within a mentorate. According to § 5 of the regulations of the MedReGS Graduate School this mentorate has to include two additional university lecturers from the Faculty of Medicine or the Faculty of Biology and Preclinical Medicine (medical specialities) who work full-time in the service of the Free State of Bavaria or are employed at an externally established chair of the faculty.
  • The PROWISS profile semester in the Human Medicine Degree Programme (usually the 4th clinical semester) cannot be considered as an approval period for the doctoral scholarship.
  • Overlaps of a maximum of two months between PROWISS and the doctoral scholarship are possible.
  • In justified exceptional cases, doctoral students may apply for the scholarship after passing the medical or dental examination.
  • All doctoral scholarship holders are accepted into the "Medical Regensburg Graduate School (MedReGS)". Doctoral students must complete a structured doctoral programme in accordance with the regulations of the graduate school. The doctoral programme consists of supervision by a three-person mentoring team, attendance and active participation in colloquia, seminars and internships, including a course on good scientific practice and participation in specialist meetings and conferences.

Sequence of events:

Application and selection

Applicants submit the application together with the first supervisor of the doctoral thesis. The application must be submitted in writing using the application form with the following documents

once in the original to the Dean's Office and
as a pdf file (in one file in the following order) to forschungskoordination.klinikum[at]ukr.de:

Selection is based on the following criteria:

  • Motivation of the applicant
  • Certificates / grades
  • Quality of the doctoral project   

The selection is made by the Research Council of the Faculty of Medicine.

The scholarship has a duration of 8 months.

The application deadline for the next winter semester is 01.06.2024.

Obligations of the scholarship holder

Acceptance of the scholarship entails in particular the following obligations on the part of the scholarship holder:

  • Participation in the MedReGS Graduate School
  • No attendance of courses that are subject to compulsory attendance in the curriculum during the approval period, with the exception of courses within the framework of the MedReGS Graduate School:
    - Clinical traineeship
    - Mandatory courses
    - Internships (e.g. practical year)
  • Compliance with the rules of good scientific practice (available at http://www.uni-regensburg.de/medicine/faculty/research/further-advice/index.html)
  • Compliance with the ReForM guidelines of the Faculty of Medicine
  • Fulfilment of the requirements of the MedReGS regulations
  • Submission of a final report (DE) in written to the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Medicine no later than 4 weeks after the end of the approval period

Contact us

UR- University of Regensburg

Faculty of Medicine
Dean's Office / Research Coordination
Franz-Josef-Strauß Allee 11
93053 Regensburg

Heide Grum

phone +49 941 944-5271


UR - University of Regensburg
Faculty of Medicine

University Hospital
Franz-Josef-Strauß-Allee 11
93053 Regensburg