Please note: All chairs of the examination committees are at the same time module coordinators for the respective degree program.
Examination office - Mathematics (Bachelor)
Chair of the examination committee: Prof. Dr. Felix Finster
Secretary’s office: Eva Rütz, room 211, telephone (0941) 943 2773, fax (0941) 943 3263
Official in charge: Administration employees Rita Zauner and Natalie Laffert, room Phys 1.0.08, telephone (0941) 943 2499, fax (0941) 943 5017 (link)
Examination office - Mathematics (Master)
Chair of the examination committee: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bunke
Secretary’s office: Brigitte Lindner, room 226, telephone (0941) 943 2757, fax (0941) 943 2576
Official in charge: Administration employees Rita Zauner and Natalie Laffert, room Phys 1.0.08, telephone (0941) 943 2499, fax (0941) 943 5017 (link)
Examination office - First State Examination, Teacher training
Chair of the examination committee: Prof. Dr. Guido Kings
Secretary’s office: Claudia Weigert, room 217, telephone (0941) 943 2993, fax (0941) 943 1736
Deputy: Prof. Dr. Stefan Krauss, room 109, telephone (0941) 943 2788, fax (0941) 943 812786
Official in charge: Central Examination Office, PT Building, rooms 1.1.5 and 1.1.5a
Examination office - Computational Science
Chair of the examination committee: Prof. Dr. Tilo Wettig, Faculty of Physics
Secretary’s office: Heidi Decock, room Phy 4.1.14, telephone (0941) 943 2006, fax (0941) 943 1734
Official in charge: Administration employees Natalie Laffert, room Phys 1.0.08, telephone (0941) 943 2499, fax (0941) 943 5017 (link)