Standard period of study : 4 semesters; 120 ECTS credits
Degree awarded : Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree
Beginning : winter and summer semester (if you start at the beginning of the summer semester a course guidance is recommended).
Language of instruction: English
Course contents: It is required to succesfully complete two of the three following compulsory elective modules (18 ECTS each) :
• Arithmetic Geometry (Algebraic Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry, ...)
• Global Analysis and Geometry (Differential Geometry, Algebraic Topology, ...)
• Applied Analysis (Functional Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, ...)
In addition, the student chooses an area of specialisation (18 ECTS have to be aquired), where the Master's thesis (30 ECTS) is written. Also mandatory is a Seminar Module (9 ECTS).
In addition to the above mathematical courses, there is the ‚minor subject’ where at least 12 ECTS are required and courses in areas of ‚general interest’ (elective module, e.g. language courses, programming courses) where at least 8 ECTS are required. In the minor subject and the elective module together at least 27 ECTS are required.
Possible minor subjects include: actuarial science, business administration, chemistry, computational science, mathematics, philosophy, physics, economics or business informatics. Any other minor subject must be approved by the Master Examination Board. Please note that - except for the minor mathematics- the language of instruction for the minor is often German.
The elective module covers the whole course program of the university and opens up the possibility to acquire other than mathematical knowledge especially professional and soft skills (for example, by attending language courses, presentation and rhetoric events, computer courses).
Further Information
Information about the Master Mathematics Regensburg in DAAD - International Programmes