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Faculty of Mathematics


Mathematics Building
Room 212
Phone +49 941 943 2806
Fax +49 941 943 4923



Bachelor - Master – Doctoral Degree

The Bachelor’s degree program in Mathematics is a three-year course (6 semesters). The program aims to enable students to understand and work with mathematical concepts and methods in a precise manner, and to gain a solid grounding in mathematics. In addition to the lectures, students have small-group supervision with practical exercises. This form of small-group learning where students further explore the topics addressed in the lectures is an integral part of the course.

The Master’s degree program (4 semesters) is a postgraduate course for students seeking further specialization of their own choice. Students at Universität Regensburg can explore the following areas of research: Arithmetic Geometry, Global Analysis and Geometry, and Applied Analysis. At the end of the program, students write their own academic paper – the Master’s thesis. The Master’s degree course at Universität Regensburg introduces students to current research issues in mathematics. It also provides a strong foundation to pursue a doctoral degree at an international level.

Further Information

Flyer Mathematics Programs (Faculty) – in German (pdf)

  1. Schools/Faculty

Faculty of Mathematics


Mathematics Building
Room 212
Phone +49 941 943 2806
Fax +49 941 943 4923
