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Faculty of Law




The law programme consists of all mandatory and optional subjects to enable students to pass the First Law Examination within eight semesters. Generally, all topics are presented in the form of lectures, supplemented by practical courses tutorials, seminars, repetition courses, and exam courses. As of 2007, the First Law Examination combines a State Examination, which covers all mandatory subjects, and an University Examination, which covers an optional subject.

This four year programme is divided into three parts:

Basic studies (Grundphase, 3 semesters)
During the first three semesters, students should acquire basic knowledge in private law, criminal law, and public law. Students are therefore required to obtain certificates (Scheine) in lectures and practical courses in private, criminal and public law for beginners. Lectures are supplemented by tutorials. To qualify for a certificate in practical courses, students must obtain pass marks for a test and an essay. Optional courses are offered in legal history and jurisprudence. The basic studies include an intermediate examination (Zwischenprüfung).

Advanced studies I (Mittelphase, 2 semesters)
Students attend additional lectures and practical courses in private, criminal, and public law. Written tests must be passed at the end of several lectures for which certificates are given. They are also supposed to start the so called "Schwerpunktbereichsstudium", consisting basically in different optional lectures, seminars, and colloquiums. The students can choose between 10 different optional subjects, each with a totally different alignment.

Advanced studies II (Wiederholungsphase, 3 semesters)
During the final phase, students attend examination courses in private, criminal, and public law (Universitätsrepetitorium; Klausurenkurse) in order to ensure adequate preparation for the First Law Examination. In the fifth semester, students may start their elective programme preparing them for the University Law Examination

  1. Faculty

Faculty of Law