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Faculty of Law



LL.M. Student

General Information on the LL.M. German and Comparative Law

Since the winter semester 2024/25, international graduates with a first law degree from
outside Germany have been able to study one of the two unique LL.M. degree programs 
"German and Comparative Law" & "German and Comparative Law" at our faculty.

You wil get more information here!

Course description

The master's degree programs provide lawyers with a degree from abroad with
basic knowledge in the areas of German law, including its fundamentals, and offer the opportunity to individually choose to deepen their knowledge in the area of ​​
positive law. They impart legal and methodological skills in a research-oriented manner in comparative law with specific reference to the German legal system
and legal dogma. After successful completion, the degree of Master of Laws (LL.M.) is awarded. The degree programs offer students the opportunity to acquire
relevant subject-specific research methodological skills (learning and practicing special (subject) scientific methods, preparing scientific papers, imparting
the necessary technical and methodological basics). The students are involved in the research topics and current research work of the faculty (e.g. participation in
current research projects). By also offering a course of study in English, the
above mentioned teaching content is made accessible to students without sufficient knowledge of German.

In addition to acquiring specialist knowledge and professional skills, the courses contribute to a deeper understanding of science. The teachers will enter into a discourse with the students about the role of science in general and the specifics of law. The recommendations of the German Lawyers' Faculty Association on academic honesty when writing legal texts are taken into account in the course “Standards of Legal Research in Germany (2 CP)”.

“Legal Area Studies” are integrated into the degree programs at both the teaching and research levels. This ties in directly with the research focus “Dynamics in the Global World” that exists at the University of Regensburg. The Faculty of Law's developing research focus on legal transfer and legal transformation is also the subject of the degree programs. The primary target group of the courses includes applicants from abroad who are aiming for a doctorate in law. Suitable graduates have the opportunity to pursue a doctorate at the Faculty of Law.

As part of the course, personal development is promoted through a combination of independent individual work and group work. Working in groups, resolving conflicts, weighing up decisions, presenting scientific results and scientific writing are taught in many courses. Intercultural and communicative skills are taught through joint courses with international and local students. Graduates of the degree programs are therefore able to work in a team and cooperate, have social and intercultural skills, can take responsibility in a team and reflect on scientific activities in an ethical, social and cultural context.

The courses are exclusively internationally oriented. The internationalization strategy of the University of Regensburg was taken into account when designing the degree programs. International mobility, internationalization of curricula, partnerships and collaborations as well as internationalization of research are a direct part of the degree programs.

Requirements for the LL.M. course

  • University degree in law or equivalent from a country outside of Germany with at least eight semesters of standard study time (240 ECTS) with at least a grade of 2.5; The conversion is carried out using the modified Bavarian formula.
  •  Applicants who would like to study the master's program „Deutsches Recht und Rechtsvergleichung“ and who did not obtain their university entrance qualification at a German-speaking institution must provide separate proof of sufficient German language skills in the form of the German language test for university entrance (DSH) with an overall result of Provide DSH-2 or an equivalent language certificate. Applicants who have obtained a degree from a German-speaking institution and have already provided proof of the above-mentioned required language skills in connection with this degree are exempt from this separate proof. Proof must be presented at the time of enrollment at the latest.
  • Applicants who wish to study the Master's degree programme in "German and Comparative Law" and have not obtained their university entrance qualification at an English-speaking institution must provide proof of sufficient knowledge of English at level C1 CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Applicants who have obtained a degree at a German-speaking institution and have already provided the above-mentioned proof of language proficiency in connection with this degree are exempt from this separate requirement. The proof must be submitted at the latest upon enrolment.
  • In addition, applicants for the master's degree program “German and Comparative Law” who did not obtain their university entrance qualification or their first degree from a German-speaking institution must provide proof of basic knowledge of the German language. Proof must be provided through language courses (basic courses) amounting to at least 120 teaching hours or through knowledge of the German language at level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR). If proof is not presented at the time of enrollment, enrollment will take place provisionally under the subsequent condition that proof is presented by the end of the first year of study at the latest.                   
If the final certificate cannot yet be presented at the time of application, 
proof of qualification can alternatively be provided by current, certified proof 
of previous study and examination achievements from the course of study amounting 
to at least 210 credits; This proof must show the preliminary overall examination grade
resulting from previous achievements.
For the winter term 2025/26 pplications can be received until June 1st, 2025. 
Please send the necessary documents as a PDF to koordination.jura@ur.de.
If you have any questions, please contact the faculty’s course coordinator and 
academic advisor.

If the final certificate cannot be presented at the time of enrollment, enrollment will 
take place provisionally under the condition that the final certificate is presented by 
the end of the first semester at the latest.

Important documents

Study and examination regulations

Module manual

  1. Faculty

Faculty of Law