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Faculty of Law



Dr. jur.

The Regensburg Law Faculty has for long been a very popular destination for researchers at different career stages from all over the world. Some come
to write their dissertation and earn their degree of a Doctor of Laws (Dr. jur.) here.
Some come to spend a postdoc in Regensburg, become part of the stimulating research environment at our various Chairs and work closely with one of our professors. Also, the faculty receives a large number of advanced scholars every year who visit Regensburg for individual research or joint projects. To all of them, the university offers excellent research facilities in two modern law libraries with large collections of books and periodicals and extensive online research facilities. Furthermore, researchers can find specialized libraries on the social sciences and humanities in walking distance on campus. Faculty advisors work closely with Dr. jur. students and postdocs and consider it their responsibility to facilitate their immersion into faculty life.

Further information, forms and the PhD regulations available here ...

  1. Faculty

Faculty of Law