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Diversity in Research & Teaching

Additional studies and certificates

Additional studies and certificates

  • Certificate Migration and Education for students in the teacher training program, students of educational science and other faculties more...
  • Additional studies Inclusion - basic competences ("Inklusion - Basiskompetenzen" ZIB) for students in the teacher training program (only in German) more...
  • Certificate Gender Competence at the UR and OTH Regensburg for students of all faculties (only in German) more...

Focus in research and teaching



  • 7.2.2024: Around thirty political science students took part in a discussion with the Consul General of the State of Israel in Munich, Ms. Talya Lador-Fresher. The terrorist attack by the radical Islamic group Hamas against Israel and the subsequent military operations in the region, as well as anti-Semitism in Germany and America, the possibilities and limits of German aid on the ground, the security policy challenges and positions of both states, the "two-state solution" and the role of the EU in the Middle East conflict were discussed both controversially and constructively.
  • 25.10.2023 to 31.7.2024: Exhibition End of Contemporary Witnessing
  • WS 2023/24: Lecture series "Visible - invisible. Life journeys of Jewish women" at the Jewish Community Center - more...
  • WS 2021/22: Lecture series "Voices - Times - Spaces. 1700 years of Jewish life in Germany"
  • 22.1.2020: Panel discussion on the topic of anti-Semitism with the Israeli Consul General Sandra Simovich and the Commissioner of the Free State of Bavaria

Collaboration with colleagues and fellow students from Israel is a matter of course on our campus.
As an internationally networked institution, UR academics maintain a large number of research collaborations with Israeli colleagues in Israel.
In study and teaching, the Chair of Slavic-Jewish Studies and a Yiddish and Hebrew department in particular enable students to take a closer look at Jewish culture. And thanks to our partnership with Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Beer Sheva, there are also many opportunities for students at our university to get to know Israel first-hand during a semester abroad and, conversely, to welcome fellow students from Beer Sheva to the UR.
Supporting these collaborations is of great strategic interest to the university management.

Focus in reasearch and teaching

  • Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr. Julia Bernzen and Prof. Dr. Alexander Tischbirek: The lecture series "Law Divers" aims to make more visible where diversity already exists in law and legal practice - more...
  • The Refugee Law Clinic of the Chair of Public Law and Politics offers student legal advice for refugees (only in German) - more...
  • Teacher Education (Regensburger Universitätszentrum für Lehrerbildung RUL) with different events and measures - more...
  • Center of Migration and Education with different events and measures - more...
  • Europaeum / East-West-Center of the UR with different events and measures - more...
  • High quality project for teacher education focused on diversity (only in German): IMpuLs+ and IMpuLs! - more...
  • Center for Language and Communication with different events and measures - more... and Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF, German as a foreign language) - more...
  • German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development (GIF) supports the research projects of the professorship of slavish-jewish studies (only in German) - more...
  • CITAS (Centrum for International and Transnational Area Studies) more...
  • 07.06.2020 An interview with Prof. Dr. Volker Depkat about racism and police violence: "Trump trägt zur Eskalation der Lage bei" (only in German) - more...
  • 19.02.2020 An interview with Prof. Dr. Fabian Kindermann "Bargaining over Babies: Theory, Evidence, and Policy Implications" - more...

External links

External links

  • Guideline of University Forum on Digitalization (Hochschulforum Digitalisierung) for sexual violence in the digital university teaching (Sexualisierte Gewalt in der digitalen Hochschullehre) (only in German) more...
  • Critical Perspectives on Discrimination at the Intersection of Education and Art (Mainz School of Art) (only in German) more...
  • Neurodiversity in the digital university teaching (blog-post) more...
  • Good Practise for inclusive teaching and testing of the University of Plymouth  more...
  • Freie Universität Berlin Gender Sensitivity in English more ...
  • Freie Universität Berlin Toolbox gender- and diversity conscious teaching more...
  • Universität Freiburg Good Practice examples more...
  • Gender and diversity in DFG supported research projects more...
  • Diversity key activities of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung bpb) more ...
  • Recommendation for diversity sensitive media usage of the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (only in German) more...
  • Online self-learning opportunities for diversity sensitive media design of the der Hamburg Open Online University (only in German) more...
  • Diversitry: Portal and network for, among others, federal agencies on the topic of diversity with many references and information material (only in German) more...
  • Podcast on gender-sensitive language at universities (especially in dissertations), episode 208 more..
  • DFG and Diversity in Scientce
    • Recommendation for gender- and diversity-sensitivty of the DFG (only in German) more...
    • The contributions of science to the fight against racism of the DFG-President Prof. Dr. Katja Becker (only in German) more...

Diversity & Anti-Discrimination