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Teacher Education Centre

Prof. Dr. Anita Schilcher




Daniela Dietl M.A.
phone +49 941 943-2422

Universität Regensburg Teacher Education Centre

Teacher education at Universität Regensburg

Almost 6000 students at Universität Regensburg – i.e. about one third of the students altogether – are currently studying to become teachers at one of the four types of Bavarian primary and secondary schools: Grundschule, Hauptschule / Mittelschule, Realschule or Gymnasium. As a campus university, Universität Regensburg covers a large spectrum of different subjects, which can be combined in various ways. Consequently, eight of the eleven faculties of Universität Regensburg are directly involved in teacher education.

The Teacher Education Centre of Universität Regensburg

The importance which teacher education holds for Universität Regensburg is underlined by the foundation of Regensburger Universitätszentrum für Lehrerbildung (RUL), a central facility solemnly inaugurated on Regensburg campus on June 19th 2009. The main aim of RUL is to ensure that teacher education be sustainable, based on high academic standards, and at the same time taking into account all the practical aspects which are fundamental to a comprehensive vocational training.

Fields of activities

RUL, amongst other things, is meant to encourage interdisciplinary activities in the field of teacher education which go beyond single academic disciplines and embrace several faculties. It strives to further the co-operation of all members of staff who are concerned with teacher education and helps to advance the transfer of knowledge between all relevant stakeholders, above all between the representatives of educational sciences, the specific subject didactics and the academic disciplines corresponding to the subjects taught at school.

Furthermore, it is essential to RUL that theory and practice be closely linked and that the three phases of teacher education, i.e. the studies at university, the induction at special seminar schools and the numerous forms of advanced training in the course of the career, go hand in hand and complement each other in a meaningful way. Thanks to its school network dialogUS RUL has been able to intensify the contact between Universität Regensburg and a large number of schools throughout the region. It also endeavours to harmonise the methods used, as well as the knowledge and the competences conveyed, in the different stages of teacher education.

Alongside this, RUL focuses on planning and promoting measures of continuing education and lifelong learning, always in close co-ordination with experts and authorities on and off campus.

RUL is intent on initiating a research and study programme, which should provide the necessary structures for talented student teachers and skilled qualified teachers to pursue an academic career in the field of teacher education. This new School of Research is intended to facilitate research pertaining to school in general and to the processes of teaching and learning in particular. The focus lies both on aspects which all disciplines have in common and on features which are typical of only a distinct discipline, so that the educational sciences can contribute just as much as the specific subject didactics. In order to present and divulge the latest findings RUL is working towards the establishment of an online information platform.

Moreover, RUL is charged with the evaluation of the curricular organisation of teacher education within Universität Regensburg, the advancement of measures to assure the quality of the study programmes and integration with existing networks in order to get new impulses and pursue new paths towards continuous reform and improvement of teacher education.

For further information in German: www.uni-regensburg.de/rul


Daniela Dietl M.A.
Telephone +49 941 943-2422

Postal Address

Universität Regensburg
Regensburger Universitätszentrum für Lehrerbildung (RUL)
Referat I/1, Koordination Lehrerbildung
93040 Regensburg


Teacher Education Centre

Prof. Dr. Anita Schilcher




Daniela Dietl M.A.
phone +49 941 943-2422