Discrimination, whether on the grounds of age, personal obligations, disability, chronic illness, ethnic or social origin, gender, religion or belief, or sexual identity, will not be tolerated at University of Regensburg. We are guided by the legal interpretation of the German General Equal Treatment Act (AGG).
According to the AGG, the existence of actual characteristics is not relevant for the determination of discrimination; rather, it is sufficient that the discriminating person assigns the disadvantaged person to a category with which he or she necessarily does not identify (§ 7 para. 1). Central to discrimination, to which the AGG responds, are assignments of people to certain groups and associated attributions (discriminatory categorizations). The AGG (§ 3) protects against direct discrimination, which is explicitly linked to a protected category, and indirect discrimination, i.e., regulations that only appear to be neutral, but which can in fact disadvantage people in a special way because of an AGG category. The AGG also places multiple discrimination under legal protection (§ 4). The AGG subsumes harassment and sexual harassment under discrimination (§ 3). If there is unjustified unequal treatment, the employee has a right of complaint (§ 13). The employer must then take appropriate, necessary and reasonable measures against the employees who violate the prohibition of discrimination to stop the discrimination (§ 12 AGG).
The handling of discrimination at UR is transparently regulated by a conflict guide, which familiarizes representatives of all status groups with the relevant advice centers, complaint and arbitration procedures.
In our Guidelines for Dealing with Discrimination and Conflicts at the University of Regensburg the first contact points and contact persons for university members in cases of conflicts, discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying, cyberbullying and stalking are listed. Here you find an overview: www.go.ur.de/konflikte-anlaufstellen
Additional information: Netiquette for digital communication
Please see the German website for further details...
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Please feel free to contact us:
E-Mail: antidiskriminierung@ur.de
Telephone: +49 941 943-2364