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Yasyn Abdullaev


Yasyn Abdullaev ist ein Gastdoktorand an der Universität Regensburg. Sein dreimonatiger Aufenthalt im Rahmen des vom DIMAS koordinierten Doktorandenaustauschprogramms Berkeley-Regensburg wird durch ein Stipendium der Hans-Vielberth-Stiftung der Universität Regensburg unterstützt. Er ist an der Graduiertenschule für Ost- und Südosteuropastudien (GSOSES-UR) angesiedelt, wo er von Prof. Dr. Ulf Brunnbauer betreut wird.


Akademische Postionen

Okt-Dez 2024

Gastdoktorand an der Universität Regensburg


an der University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

2019-21 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
an der Fakultät für Geschichte, St. Petersburg State University

Akademische Ausbildung

2021-2027 Ph.D., History, University of California, Berkeley
2021 M.A., History, St. Petersburg State University
2019 B.A., History, St. Petersburg State University

Zuschüsse, Auszeichnungen und Stipendien

2024  IES Berkeley-Austria Research Fellowship, UC Berkeley
2024  The John L. Simpson ABD Graduate Students Research Fellowship in International & Area Studies, UC Berkeley
2024  ASEEES Dissertation Research Grant
2024  IES Berkeley-Regensburg Research Fellowship, UC Berkeley
2023  The John L. Simpson Pre-Dissertation Research Fellowship in International & Area Studies, UC Berkeley
2023  ISEEES Summer Language Training Fellowship (French), UC Berkeley
2021  The Berkeley Ph.D. Fellowship, UC Berkeley
2020  Vladimir Potanin Fund Scholarship
2020  Boris B. Piotrovsky Scholarship, St. Petersburg State University
2019  Vladimir V. Mavrodin Scholarship, St. Petersburg State University

Konferenzen und Workshop-Präsentationen

“Polish Carbonari and the Austro-Russian Political Policing in the Age of Metternich,” the Annual Convention of Centers for Austrian and Central European Studies, Andrássy University. Budapest, Hungary, June 2024.

“Secret Police and the Culture of Denunciations in Mid-Nineteenth-Century St. Petersburg,” the Association of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies 55th Annual Convention. Philadelphia, USA, December 2023.

“Destructive Doctrines: Conspiracy Mythology and the Russian State Security in the Age of Revolution,” the Berkeley Russian History Workshop “Kruzhok,” UC Berkeley. Berkeley, USA, May 2023

The Desert Russian and Eurasian History Workshop, Sonoma State University. Rohnert Park, USA, April 2024.

“Conspiracy Myths and Political Elites in Early Nineteenth-Century Russia,” the Association of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies 54th Annual Convention. Chicago, USA, November 2022.

“Conspiracism in Alexandrine Russia: the Myth of Global Conspiracy and the Russian Governing Elites in the 1820s,” “Individuals, Generations, and Social Groups 1721–1925”: the Fourth Finnish-Russian Conference on Elite Studies, Aalto University. Helsinki, Finland, June 2022.

“Conspiracism in Alexandrine Russia: the Myth of Global Conspiracy and Political Rhetoric in the 1820s,” the Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies Northwest Conference, University of Washington. Seattle, USA, April 2022.

“Relations between Russian and French Banking Capital in 1914–1917: On the Materials of the Bryansk Company and the Russo-Asiatic Bank,” the All-Russian Scientific Conference “History Challenges and Economic Development of Russia”, the Institute of History and Archaeology, the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Science. Yekaterinburg, Russia, September 2019.

“The Kerch Case” of the Joint-Stock Company of Bryansk Factory,” the All-Russian Scientific Conference “Revolution of 1917: Socio-Economic Reasons and Consequences”, Moscow School of Economics, Moscow State University. Moscow, Russia, November 2017.


Akademische Artikel und Rezensionen

  • Abdullaev, Yasyn. “Zagovor “Parizhskogo Komiteta”: Konspirologiia i imperskie elity v Rossii v poslednie gody tsarstvovaniia Aleksandra I” (Das Komplott des „Pariser Komitees“: Verschwörungstheorien und kaiserliche Eliten in Russland in den späteren Jahren der Herrschaft Alexanders I.), Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Istoriia 2023 (1): 134–145. (auf Russisch)
  • Abdullaev, Yasyn. Review of Radnitz, Scott, Revealing Schemes: The Politics of Conspiracy in Russia and the Post-Soviet Region (Pläne aufdecken: Verschwörungspolitik in Russland und der postsowjetischen Region) (New York, Oxford University Press, 2021), Ab Imperio 2022 (2): 329–333. (auf Russisch)
  • Belousov, Mikhail, Abdullaev, Yasyn. “Pervye Ispanskie revolutsii i praviashie krugi Rossiiskoii imperii,” (Die ersten spanischen Revolutionen und die Regierungseliten des Russischen Reiches) Rossiiskaia istoriia 2021 (1): 46–57. (auf Russisch)
  • Belousov, Mikhail, Abdullaev, Yasyn. “Mito de la conspiracion paneuropea: desde el Trienio Liberal hasta el levantamiento decembrista,” (Der Mythos von der gesamteuropäischen Verschwörung: Vom liberalen Triennium zum Dezembristen-Aufstand) Historia Constitutional 2021 (22): 837–855. (auf Spanisch)

Öffentliche Schriften

  • Abdullaev, Yasyn. From the Paris Committee to “Polish Carbonarism”: Conspiracy Mythology and the Political Imagination in Russia in the Age of Revolution. (Vom Pariser Komitee zum „Polnischen Karbonarismus“: Verschwörungsmythologie und politische Imagination in Russland im Zeitalter der Revolution.) The Jordan Center’s Blog, New York University. Link zum Text


Frühling 2024


“The Atlantic World,” University of California, Berkeley, Department of History

Herbst 2023

Graduate Student Instructor

“Science and Society: The Origins of Modern Science,” University of California, Berkeley, Department of History

Frühling 2023

Graduate Student Instructor

“The Birth of Modern Thought: European Intellectual History, 1500–1800,” University of California, Berkeley, Department of History

Herbst 2022

Graduate Student Instructor

“European Civilization from the Renaissance to the Present,” University of California, Berkeley, Department of History



Vorstand | BoardProf. Dr. Anna Steigemann and Prof. Dr. Rike Krämer-Hoppe

Geschäftsführung | Manager: Dr. Laura Niebling

Sekretariat | Secretary dimas@ur.de
Tel. +49 941 943 5966 und

Tel. +49 941 943 68537