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Introduction to Econometrics

Introduction to Econometrics

  • Bachelor, Study phase 1
  • Winter Semester
  • Lecture and Tutorial
  • Teaching language: German, English on Demand
  • Course Catalogue: Lecture , Tutorials



  • Causality and experiments
  • The single and multiple linear regression model
  • Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimation
  • Estimation properties of the least-squares estimator for finite samples and model assumptions required for this
  • Model specification and choice of functional form
  • Interpretation of model parameters
  • Hypothesis testing (t-test, F-test)
  • Confidence intervals
  • Estimation properties of the least squares estimator in large samples (asymptotic properties)
  • Forecasts and forecast errors
  • Heteroskedasty robust standard errors and tests for heteroskedasty
  • Generalised Least Squares (GLS)
  • Feasible Generalized Least Squares Estimate (FGLS)
  • Model diagnosis


Wooldridge, J.M. (2009 - or later). Introductory Econometrics. A Modern Approach, 4th edition, Thomson South-Western. We are primarily concerned with chapters 1-4 and 6-8. The book is available at the Pustet bookshop on campus or can be ordered there. 


Quantitative economic analyses are typically subject to a more or less high degree of uncertainty. Econometrics offers, among other things, methods of quantifying and testing economic relationships with the help of data and thereby estimating the degree of uncertainty underlying the results. In this course, students learn the central econometric tools and the underlying econometric theory. They will be able to

  • independently carry out simple empirical-econometric analyses and thus provide quantitative statements including the underlying uncertainty
  • recognise incorrectly conducted econometric studies and their consequences
  • recognise when they should consult an experienced econometric expert
  • participate in advanced empirical (econometrics) courses
  • acquire more sophisticated econometric methods.

The focus of the course "Introduction to Econometrics" (formerly Econometrics I) is on the analysis of cross-sectional data (data collected by different units or subjects within a period).

It is essential that the students learn to apply the taught econometric methods on the basis of a number of empirical questions. An example of application is the identification of the influencing variables of trade flows, wages, rents, real estate prices, manager salaries. EViews is the main software used.


The course is aimed at all students to acquire basic knowledge in econometrics. For the Bachelor students in Economics, the course is one of the compulsory courses in Phase I in the 3rd semester. All other Bachelor students at the Faculty of Economic Sciences can attend the course on a voluntary basis. The course comprises 2 hours of lecture and 2 hours of practice and counts 6 ECTS. The course "Introduction to Econometrics" is the prerequisite for the attendance of the main module Empirical Economic Research in Phase II of the Bachelor of Economics. 


The overall mark for the course is determined solely by the written examination.


Chair of Empirical Economics


Prof. Lea Cassar, Ph.D.

E-Mail: lea.cassar@ur.de

Phone: +49 941 943-2550
Office: RW(L) 5.12

Office hours: by arrangement