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Chair of Empirical Economics


Prof. Lea Cassar, Ph.D.

E-Mail: lea.cassar@ur.de

Phone: +49 941 943-2550
Office: RW(L) 5.12

Office hours: by arrangement

Media and Public Relations

Der Spiegel

Wie ich in einem Onlinekurs lernte, glücklicher zu sein

Der Spiegel wrote an article about "The Science of Well-Being" online course of Laurie Santos and also speaks in detail about Prof. Cassar and her course at the University of Regensburg.

You can read the full article here.

Economic Report of the President

Paper cited in this volume

Prof. Lea Cassars co-authered paper “Nonmonetary Incentives and the Implications of Work as a Source of Meaning.” was cited in the Economic Report of the President (of the United States), which was published March 2023 together with the The Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers. 

You can find the whole Economic Report here

Centre of Wellbeing (University of Oxford)

Does mindfulness improve test scores?

Prof. Cassar presented her Research titled "Keep Calm and Carry on: The Short- vs- Long-Run Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on (Academic) Performance" as part of the Seminar Series of the Wellbeing Research Centre (University of Oxford). 

You can find the recording of the presentation here

Süddeutsche Zeitung

Berufseinstieg im Krisenmodus

Prof. Lea Cassar was interviewed for the article "Berufseinstieg im Kriesenmodus", which was published in the Süddeutsche Zeitung. Prof. Cassar explains that starting your career in times of economic crisis has important lifelong effects on job preferences.

Read the full article here


Arbeit als ein wichtiger Ort der Sinnsuche

In an interview with the Wirtschaftszeitung Prof. Lea Cassar explains that moentary incentives are not undisputed anymore and why intrinsic motivation is superior.

Read the whole interview "Arbeit als ein wichtiger Ort der Sinnsuche" here.


Young Economist Ranking: Among the Top 10 Percent

Prof. Lea Cassar is listed in this year's Young Economist Ranking of the Handelsblatt, which every two years evaluates the research performance of German-speaking economists below the age of 40. At 62nd place, Prof. Lea Cassar is among the top 10 percent of German-speaking economists worldwide. Referring to the                                       publications "A and A+", she is even among the top 5                                                   percent (29th rank).  Prof. Lea Cassar is one of only 8 women                                       listed in this year's ranking. You can find the complete Young                                       Economist Ranking here.

The Guardian

Our First Economic Experiences Affect our Relationship with Work for Life

The paper "Macroeconomic Conditions When Young Shape Job Preferences for Life" written by Lea Cassar, Stephan Meier, Maria Cotofan and Robert Dur was featured in an article by The Guardian.

Read the whole article "Our First Economic Experiences Affect our Relationship with Work for Life" here.

The Wall Street Journal

Using Philanthropy to Motivate Employees Can Backfire

The paper "Intentions for Doing Good Matter for Doing Well: The Negative Effects of Prosocial Incentives" written by Lea Cassar and Stephan Meier was discussed in an article by The Wall Street Journal.

Read the whole article "Using Philanthropy to Motivate Employees Can Backfire" here.

ZEIT Campus

Interview on publication "Macroeconomic Conditions When Young Shape Job Preferences for Life" with German newspaper "ZEIT Campus"

Prof. Dr. Lea Cassar discusses the paper "Macroeconomic Conditions When Young Shape Job Preferences for Life" written by herself, Stephan Meier, Maria Cotofan and Robert Dur in an interview with the German newspaper ZEIT Campus.

Read the whole interview "Ein Job mit Sinn ist Luxus" here.


Interview on publication "Macroeconomic Conditions When Young Shape Job Preferences for Life" with Italian press agency "Dire"

The paper "Macroeconomic Conditions When Young Shape Job Preferences for Life" by Lea Cassar, Stephan Meier, Maria Cotofan and Robert Dur is discussed in an interview with the Italian press agency Dire.

Read the whole article "Meno reddito e realizzazione, l’ombra della crisi sul futuro dei giovani" here.

Süddeutsche Zeitung

Für die Generation Corona wird Geld wichtiger als Sinn

An article in which Lea Cassar discusses the findings of the paper "Macroeconomic Conditions When Young Shape Job Preferences for Life"  (by Lea Cassar, Stephan Meier, Maria Cotofan and Robert Dur) was published in Süddeutsche Zeitung.

Read the whole article "Für die Generation Corona wird Geld wichtiger als Sinn" here.

YouTube Channel

Credible CSR and Purpose in Work

Prof. Lea Cassar discusses with Prof. Nicola Lacetera her research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the meaning of work: People can derive meaning by working for a mission they believe in. By investing in CSR, companies can make their mission more social (and thus more "meaningful"), thereby increasing workers' motivation and performance. However, CSR initiatives which are strategically done in order to increase profit can backfire. Listen to part 1 of the podcast here.

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Media Bias as an Obstacle to Bring Social Change

On the occasion of the Enactus Brazil national cup 2020, Prof. Dr. Lea Cassar explains how media bias and more broadly, psychological biases, can be an obstacle to social change. The solution? Building a culture of evidence-based social policy. All organizations should carefully evaluate the impact of their programs.

You can find the whole interview here.

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"We must become operators in the transformation process of the world"

On the occasion of the Italian Enactus competition ("Enactus Italy 2020") Prof. Dr. Lea Cassar talks to the international press agency Pressenza.

You can find the whole interview in Italian here.

Forbes 1 Hr

New Research Suggests HR Rethink Talent Management For The ‘Pandemic Generation’

The paper "Macroeconomic Conditions When Young Shape Job Preferences for Life" authored by Lea Cassar, Stephan Meier, Maria Cotofan and Robert Dur is discussed in an interview with Forbes. Read the whole article "New Research Suggests HR Rethink Talent Management For The ‘Pandemic Generation’" here.

Pressenza Towards A New Economy

Interview on the Potential of Social Entrepreneurship

In an interview with the international press agency Pressenza, Prof. Dr. Lea Cassar talks about how social entrepreneurship can act as a vehicle for social change. Among other aspects, she provides information on the benefits of social entrepreneurship, explains possible steps towards transformation and gives examples of successful social entrepreneurs.

                                Read the whole interview in Italian here.

Dire 1

Reception of the Video "Towards a New Economy: The Social Enterprise"

Prof. Dr. Lea Cassar's video "Towards a New Economy: The Social Enterprise" was featured along with an article by the Italian press agency Dire

The whole report can be found here.

Media New Economy
YouTube Channel

Towards a New Economy: The Social Enterprise

In this video Prof. Dr. Lea Cassar promotes social entrepreneurship as a vehicle for social change in the relaunch of the economy post Covid-19 and encourages students to get involved.

Watch the video here.

Econ In Practice 11 _h
Econ in Practice

Part 11 - Home Office

As part of the series "Econ in Practice", Lea Cassar talks about the opportunities, challenges and limits of working in the home office. Watch the interview here.

More videos and information on the blog, which deals with the economic aspects of the Corona crisis, can be found here.

American Economic Association
American Economic Association

More than a paycheck

The paper "Nonmonetary Incentives and the Implications of Work as a Source of Meaning" authored by Lea Cassar and Stephan Meier was discussed in an interview with the American Economic Association (AEA).

The whole article "More than a paycheck" can be found here.

Hbr Social Responsibility

Stop Talking About How CSR Helps Your Bottom Line

A shortened version of the working paper "Intentions for Doing Good Matter for Doing Well: The (Negative) Signalling Value of Prosocial Incentives" (together with Stephan Meier) was featured by hbr.org.

Read the whole article here.


Chair of Empirical Economics


Prof. Lea Cassar, Ph.D.

E-Mail: lea.cassar@ur.de

Phone: +49 941 943-2550
Office: RW(L) 5.12

Office hours: by arrangement