The course provides students with the basic skills in using the STATA software, such as installation, using the interface, loading and managing data sets, programming the do-files, calculating descriptive statistics, estimating simple and multiple regression models, creating graphs, and programming loops.
• Alan Acock, A Gentle Introduction to Stata, 6th ed., Stata Press, 2018.
• Ulrich Kohler and Frauke Kreuter, Datenanalyse mit Stata: Allgemeine Konzepte der Datennanalyse und ihre praktische Anwendung, 5th ed., Oldenbourg: De Gruyter, 2016.
• Christopher Baum, An Introduction to Stata Programming, 2nd ed., Stata Press, 2015.
• Michael N. Mitchell, A Visual Guide to Stata Graphics, 3rd ed., Stata Press, 2012.
• A. Colin Cameron and Pravin K. Trivedi, Microeconometrics Using Stata, Revised ed., Stata Press, 2010.
At the end of the course, the students should know how to
• import, manipulate, and export data sets
• summarize data sets using descriptive statistics
• program .do files
• run simple and multiple regressions and interpret regression output
• produce and export graphs
• produce and export tables
• program loops
There will be a final exam lasting 60 minutes. The final exam will ask you to work with a given data set and produce a .do file that performs the required operations.
Grading is as follows:
1,0: 95 to 100
1,3: 90 to 94
1,7: 85 to 89
2,0: 80 to 84
2,3: 75 to 79
2,7: 70 to 74
3,0: 65 to 69
3,3: 60 to 64
3,7: 55 to 59
4,0: 50 to 54
4,3: 45 to 49
4,7: 40 to 44
5,0: less than 40