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UR International Office

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Profile & Strategy

Internationalization is a cross-sectional task

Recognizing its status as a transnational hub, and a diverse and outward looking campus where ideas and experiences are exchanged, the University of Regensburg considers internationalization an essential part of its future in a globalized world. With such diversity in its membership, we understand internationalization at UR to be a cross-sectional task that should be considered in strategic decisions in all areas of the university including research, teaching, third mission and infrastructure.

Principles and quality standards

Embedded in the region and with its historically strong ties to universities in Eastern and Western Europe as well as North America, the University of Regensburg strives to ensure conditions are optimal for its members' academic and cultural exchange. The University of Regensburg emphasizes the principles of academic freedom and anti-discrimination in its internationalization activities, anchoring them in policies and agreements. These commit it to binding quality standards for advising and supporting international students

Magna Charta Universitatum

National Code of Conduct on Foreign Students



To make our campus even more internationally attractive and visible, we  are working towards the following objectives, as formulated in the University Development Plan 2025:

  • Expanding international academic collaboration and mobility options
  • Expanding our range of programs and courses taught in English
  • Actively recruiting international scientists
  • Intensifying the processes of Internationalization at Home

Key documents

UR Mission Statement (in German)

University Development Plan (in German)

Internationalization Strategy

Internationalization@UR - Organizational structures, processes, measures

Key contacts

Information about the key persons and committees involved in internationalization at UR can be found under Key contacts.

UR International Office

Grafik: grauer, transpaenter Globus