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UR International Office

Grafik: grauer, transpaenter Globus

Students at Risk - Hilde Domin Programme

The programme serves to support students and doctoral candidates from across the globe, who are at risk of being formally or de facto denied educational or other rights in their country of origin, and to provide these students and doctoral candidates with an opportunity to begin or complete a study or research degree at a higher education institution in Germany.

Students and doctoral candidates nominated and accepted under the programme will receive a scholarship for a degree course of personal choice and according to individual qualifications. The scholarship is sufficient to cover the necessary costs incurred during their study or research stay. The long-term goal of the scholarship programme is to enable students and doctoral candidates to complete their higher education studies resp. research project in a secure environment.

Nomination and application

Potential candidates cannot themselves apply for participation in the Hilde Domin Programme but are nominated by the presidiums of the intended host institution.

Nomination requests of qualified persons can be submitted to the University’s Executive Board at any time by e-mail via the Staff Unit Internationalization:



Please enclose the following documents / information with your nomination request:

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) with information on school/university qualifications and language skills
  • prove of a threat to your personal well-being or safety (e.g. physical violence, arrest, denial of civil and educational rights, etc.)
  • intended degree program at the UR or supervisor of the research project.


Please note the following deadlines for a nomination by UR:

  • Planned start of studies in next year’s summer semester:
    Submission of the required documents by February 15
  • Planned start of studies in next year’s winter semester:
    Submission of the required documents by August 31

Detailed information on nomination criteria, required documents, language skills, etc. can be found in the DAAD call for applications:

⇒ DAAD Hilde Domin-Programm (dt)

⇒ DAAD Hilde Domin Programme (eng)

UR International Office

Grafik: grauer, transpaenter Globus