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Bacherlor's degree

Bachelor's programs at Universität Regensburg

Bachelor's programs are undergraduate degree programs, meaning that they only require students to have completed their higher education entrance qualifications, as opposed to master's degree programs which you can only start after already completing a degree program.

Note: subject-specific higher education entrance qualifications (fachgebundene Hochschulreife) only allow a student to study specific subjects or programs. You can get further information from the Central Department for Course Counseling or the International Office.

Bachelor of arts (B.A.) programs are heavily aligned with the humanities. They are generally split into a major subject and two minor subjects, or two majors (click here for an overview of the subject combination and an explanation of how the programs are designed (German, PDF/40kB).

A bachelor of science (B.Sc.) program, on the other hand, generally consists of a single subject from the natural sciences or business and economics.

Please be aware: the study program descriptions section in English language is in progress.

The complete list of the study programs offered at UR is available in German under "Studiengänge A - Z"

Study Programs at UR