All students (B.A. and Lehramt) are required to have their phonetic (pronunciation) skills tested to complete their core module language practice (Basismodul Sprachpraxis). This pronunciation test should usually be taken either after GLC A or after Composition or after GLC B at the very latest. Students may take the course "Exercises in English Pronunciation" to prepare for the pronunciation test. Those who do not pass the pronunciation test must enroll in the course "Exercises in English Pronunciation" and pass the test before they can proceed to GLC C and other courses in the intermediate module language practice (Vertiefungsmodul Sprachpraxis). Also, the course "Exercises in English Pronunciation" is a compulsory component for Lehramt Grundschule students who take English as a Didaktikfach.
Others are welcome to take the course on a voluntary basis to improve their spoken English!
You really should take every opportunity to speak and listen to English. Some suggestions include seeing a play performed by the English theater group, RUPs, watching movies and TV series at home, listening to audio books, podcasts, etc.
Registering for and taking the exam
The exams take place at the end of term, during the first lecture-free week. Registration runs until the end of the regular registration period in FlexNow. The exact dates will be announced in due time each semester via newsletter (in January or June), and also published on the Department's homepage and in the course catalog.
Please make sure you are in a room with a stable internet connection for the exam.
Students must register for the exam both on SPUR and on FlexNow so that they
can take part in the pronunciation exam! Taking the pronunciation exam is not
possible if you register only on SPUR or only on FlexNow!
When registering on SPUR, you can choose between different groups and thus
specify a preferred time slot (Monday/Tuesday, morning/afternoon) for the
a) Registration on SPUR:
*where: core module Language Practice (Basismodul Sprachpraxis): 35890
Pronunciation Exam.
*who: all B.A. and teacher training students except those studying English as
a “Didaktikfach” for “Lehramt Grundschule” (see above).
b) Registration on FlexNow:
*where: core module Language Practice (Basismodul Sprachpraxis) -->
Pronunciation exam
- ALL students in the B.A. study programs, students in the teacher training
programs with English as “Unterrichtsfach” (Grundschule, Mittelschule,
Realschule), students who study English as a “Didaktikfach” for “Lehramt
Mittelschule”, students who study English for “Lehramt Gymnasium”.
- exempt: students who study English as a “Didaktikfach” for “Lehramt
Grundschule” (see above).