Topological superconductivity (TS) is rare in nature but it can be engineered in low dimensional systems. In our group we study TS in 1D and 2D systems with strong spinorbit coupling. Exemplainly, we have proposed the existence of Majorana bound states in superconducting carbon nanotubes. For this we study the topological properties of such systems and calculate the bound state spectrum, the corresponding wave functions, and the associated transport characteristics.
Image: Author - Magdalena Marganska-Lyzniak
A superconducting carbon nanotube subject to a perpendiculor magnetic field can host Majorana bound states at its ends.
See some key publications:
Linear and nonlinear transport across a finite Kitaev chain: An exact analytical study.
Leumer, Nico , Grifoni, Milena , Muralidharan, Bhaskaran und Marganska, Magdalena Physical Review B 103, S. 165432 (2021)
Exact eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the finite Kitaev chain and its topological properties.
Leumer, Nico , Marganska, Magdalena , Muralidharan, Bhaskaran und Grifoni, Milena Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32, S. 445502 (2020)
Majorana quasiparticles in semiconducting carbon nanotubes
Magdalena Marganska, Lars Milz, Wataru Izumida, Christoph Strunk und Milena Grifoni
Phys. Rev. B 97, 075141 (2018)
Topology and zero energy edge states in carbon nanotubes with superconducting pairing
W. Izumida, L. Milz, M. Marganska und Milena Grifoni
Phys. Rev. B 96, 125414 (2017)