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Regulation affecting competition for binding with a protein

Objective: If a protein has multiple binding partners, it is possible that these partners compete for the protein. If expression of the protein changes, some partners are up-regulated while others are down-regulated the binding balance for this protein changes. Hence the expression data identifies this protein as a target of regulation, even if the expression of this protein does not change at all. Write a program that identifies these proteins in gene expression data sets. ... mehr


Data from man and mice

Objective: A single copy number aberrations (CNAs, deletion or gains of chromosomal material) in cancer can cover multiple genes (up into the hundreds). Most likely only one or two of these genes are a “targets” of the aberration. Only theses genes are beneficial for the tumor (oncogenes of tumor suppressor genes). We want to predict which ones these are.... mehr


Analyzing genes with outlier values in lymphomas

Objective: In expression profiles from lymphomas, most genes show continues distributions across tumors; in fact they are typically normal. However, some genes e.g immunoglobolins show outlier values in a subset of cases. Detect these outliers (the genes and the cases) and analyze their impact association with clinical phenotypes (like survival). ... mehr