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Dr. Stefan Solbrig
Hilfe auch in der
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Ein gemeinsamer Studiengang der Fakultäten Medizin, Mathematik und Physik (Flyer)

Externe Angebote

Announcement for an up to 6‐month internship in Oncology Novartis Pharma AG in Basel, Switzerland.

The intern will work with senior-level biostatisticians and mainly focus on statistical research for oncology early phase trials. The student will work on the following topics:

  • In vitro/ in vivo relationship between dissolution profiles and human PK parameters
  • Use of baseline factors, such as experimental and physiological conditions, to aid in vitro/in vivo modeling.

The intern will be able to gain first-hand experience on applying advanced statistical approaches in drug development.

Candidates should have a master degree, or should be in a PhD program in biostatistics, statistics or related areas, and should have good verbal and written communication skills in English.

Programming skills using either SAS or R is expected. PhD students at later stage of her/his research project in medical/bio-statistics or a relevant area, and those with experience in drug development are also encouraged to apply.

A cover letter and résumé should be submitted to the contact person. Informal enquires are also welcome.

Contact Person:

Christelle Darstein
Expert Statistician
Biostatistics for Clinical Pharmacology - Oncology
Novartis Pharma AG
CH-4002 Basel

Phone  +41 61 6968634
Fax      +41 61 3241009


Internship announcement 2015

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Dr. Stefan Solbrig
Hilfe auch in der
Zentralen Studienberatung
Nehmen Sie die Beratung
oft und früh in Anspruch!

Ein gemeinsamer Studiengang der Fakultäten Medizin, Mathematik und Physik (Flyer)