Director: N.N.; deputy: Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Evers
Taushif Ahmed | Yang-Mills theory, perturbative QCD , Electroweak theory |
Gunnar Bali | Lattice QCD and Hadron Physics |
Vladimir Braun | Quantum field theory and quantum chromodynamics |
Sara Collins | Lattice gauge theory and its application |
Christoph Lehner | Lattice QCD / High-Energy Physics |
Andreas von Manteuffel | Perturbative calculations in quantum field theory |
Tilo Wettig | Lattice quantum chromodynamics, QCD on a Chip |
Junior research groups | |
Norbert Bodendorfer | Quantum gravity |
Annabelle Bohrdt | Machine learning for quantum many-body systems | |
Ferdinand Evers | Computational Condensed Matter Theory | |
Jaroslav Fabian | Spintronics | |
Milena Grifoni | Quantum transport and dissipation | |
Klaus Richter | Complex quantum systems | |
John Schliemann | Spin dynamics in semiconductor nanostructures, spintronics | |
Junior research groups | ||
Jan Wilhelm | Computational Electronic Structure Theory |
Director: N.N.; deputy: Prof. Dr. Rupert Huber
Dominique Bougeard | Low Dimensional Semiconductor Systems |
Sergey Ganichev | Terahertz Physics |
Isabella Gierz | Ultrafast Electron Dynamics |
Franz J. Gießibl | Atomic Force Microscopy |
Rupert Huber | Ultrafast quantum physics and photonics |
Ferdinand Kuemmeth | Spin qubits and hybrid super-semi quantum structures |
John Lupton | Organic semiconductors, optical nanostructures |
Jascha Repp | Scanning tunneling microscopy |
Sascha Schäfer | Ultrafast Nanoscale Dynamics |
Christian Schüller | Optical spectroscopy on semiconductor quantum structures |
Christoph Strunk | Mesoscopic systems |
Jörg Wunderlich | Magnetism, spintronics |
Adjunc professor | |
Ulrich Höfer | Laser spectroscopy of surfaces and interfaces |
Junior research groups | |
Andreas Hüttel | Carbon Nanotube Transport and Nanomechanics |
Fabian Mooshammer | Subcycle Nano-Optics |
Klaus-Peter Bohnen | Ab initio calculations of solids and solid surfaces | |
Falk Bruckmann | Nonperturbative effects in QCD | |
Mariusz Ciorga (apl.Prof.) | Spin injection in semiconductors | |
Andrea Donarini (apl.Prof.) | Quantum Transport and Dissipation | |
Jonathan Eroms | Spin transport and superlattices in graphene | |
Meinulf Göckeler | Lattice field theory in quantum chromo-dynamics | |
Stefan Kreitmeier (apl.Prof.) | Computer simulations of polymers | |
Magdalena Marganska-Lyzniak | Quantum Transport and Dissipation | |
Dmitry Ryndyk | Nanoscale Modeling | |
Michael Seidl | Metal clusters, semiclassical methods | |
Juan Diego Urbina (apl.Prof.) | Complex quantum systems | |
Jan Vogelsang | Time resolved spectroscopy, single molecules | |
Alfred J. Weymouth | Atomic force microscopy |
Günther Bayreuther | Magnetismus, magnetische Materialien, Spintronik | |
Matthias Brack | Endliche Fermionensysteme | |
† Richard Bonart | Polymerphysik | |
Martin Creuzburg | Matrixisolationsspektroskopie; Solarenergie | |
† Wolfgang Gebhardt | Festkörperspektroskopie; Astronomie, Kosmologie | |
Dietmar Göritz | Polymerphysik | |
† Horst Hoffmann | Magnetismus, magnetische Materialien | |
Joachim Keller | Elektronische Korrelationen und Supraleitung | |
† Uwe Krey | Theorie des Magnetismus, amorphe Materialien, Statistische Physik | |
Hans Lengfellner | Anisotroper Transport, Thermoelektrizität, thermoelectrische Sensors | |
Max Maier | Optik, Spektroskopie, Laserphysik | |
† Ingo Morgenstern | Supraleitung, Optimierung industrieller Prozesse | |
† Gustav Obermair | Dynamik von Gitterelektronen; Grundlagenprobleme der Quantenmechanik | |
Henning von Philipsborn | Kristallographie, Materialwissenschaft, Radiometrie | |
Alfons Penzkofer | Femtosekundenspektroskopie an organischen Materialien | |
† Wilhelm Prettl | Ferninfrarotspektroskopie, Chaos in Halbleitern | |
Karl F. Renk | Experimentelle Festkörperphysik | |
Ulrich Rößler | Halbleiter und Nanostrukturen | |
Andreas Schäfer | Quantum chromodynamics and hadron physics | |
Wilfried Schoepe | Suprafluidität, Physik bei ultratiefen Temperaturen | |
† Ulrich Schröder | Struktur und Dynamik von komplexen Kristallen und Oberflächen | |
Dieter Strauch | Gitterdynamik | |
Dieter Weiss | Semiconducting nanostructures | |
† Ernst Werner | Hochenergiephysik | |
Josef Zweck | Electron microscopy | |