Many researchers in the Physics Department work on topics related to Computer Science:
We closely collaborate with the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) and the Leibniz Computing Center Garching (LRZ), including joint EU projects. Prof. Dirk Pleiter was both a professor in Regensburg and a leading scientist at JSC (now direktor of the PDC CENTER FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING Stockholm)
(Prof. Dr. Gunnar Bali, Dr. Jacques Bloch, Prof. Dr. Vladimir Braun, PD Dr. Sara Collins, Prof. Dr. Christoph Lehner, Prof. Dr. Dirk Pleiter, Prof. Dr. Andreas Schäfer, Dr. Enno Scholz, Dr. Stefan Solbrig, Prof. Dr. Tilo Wettig)
(Prof. Dr. Milena Grifoni, PD Dr. Andreas Hüttel, Prof. Dr. Klaus Richter, Prof. Dr. Christoph Strunk, Prof. Dr. John Schliemann, Prof. Dr. Dominique Bougeard)
(all professors and junior research group leaders in condensed matter physics)
(Prof. Dr. Dominique Bougeard)
(Prof. Dr. Dominique Bougeard)
(Prof. Dr. Milena Grifoni, in the framework of the EU Quantera Consortium "Superconductivity based quantum technologies with ultrastrong light matter interaction" (SiUCs))
(Professors from physics, biology and chemistry)
Members of the Physics Department participate in the following international Computer Science projects (typically as coordinator or project leader):
The members of the Physics Department acquire large amounts of computing time at national and international supercomputing centers through competitive grants: