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  2. Faculty of Philosophy, Fine Arts, History and Humanities

Prof. Dr. Albert Dietl

E-Mail: Prof. Dr. Albert Dietl
Phone: +49 0941 943-3713
Room: PT 4.2.20

Prof. Dr. Albert Dietl

E-Mail: Prof. Dr. Albert Dietl
Phone: (0049) 0941 943-3713
Room: PT 4.2.20

Research activities

- Medieval painting and sculpture from pre-Carolingian times to late Gothic with a focus on Italy and Central Europe
-Self-representation and urbanism of Italian communities
-Illumination and treasury art
-Christian and profane iconography


Albert Dietl studied art history, classical archeology, classical philology and historical ancillary sciences at the LMU Munich and the University of Vienna. After a two-year scholarship of the Max Planck Society at the Bibliotheca Hertziana in Rome (IT) he graduated at the LMU Munich in 1992 with a thesis on Romanesque relief-cycles of Italian patron saints. As a lecturer he worked at the universities of Göttingen and Basel (CH) before he became a research assistant at the University of Regensburg. Supported by a DFG scholarship he qualified as professor with a comprehensive study and documentation on medieval inscriptions of artists in Italy that was awarded with the Max-Weber-Prize. As a visiting professor he worked in Rome (Bibliotheca Hertziana/Max-Planck-Institute) to foster his research on medieval Roman and Italian art between 2005 and 2006. Since April 2007 Albert Dietl holds a professorship for art history (Medieval Art) in Regensburg.


  2. Faculty of Philosophy, Fine Arts, History and Humanities

Prof. Dr. Albert Dietl

E-Mail: Prof. Dr. Albert Dietl
Phone: +49 0941 943-3713
Room: PT 4.2.20