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University of Regensburg

Faculty of Mathematics

GRK 2339 IntComSin


Phone +49 941 943 2390


Welcome to the Lecture series on "Maximal Regularity for Parabolic Evolution Equations" by Mathias Wilke (University of Halle).

A Short Introduction To Maximal Regularity for PDEs
In this lecture series, we deal with regularity issues for solutions of (systems of) partial differential equations. We give a brief overview concerning different functional analytic settings and provide conditions that allow to apply the theory of maximal regularity in order to obtain results on the existence and uniqueness, as well as the long-time behaviour of solutions to PDEs.


date morning afternoon
Monday, September 25 10-12 am 2-4 pm
Tuesday, September 26 10-12 am 2-4 pm
Wednesday, September 27 10-12 am

The lectures will take place at the Mathematical Department of the University of Regensburg (room M 104) in person and via ZOOM on demand.

A short Script to the lecture series is available here.

University of Regensburg

Faculty of Mathematics

GRK 2339 IntComSin


Phone +49 941 943 2390