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Ngefac, Aloysius,Paul Zang Zang, Thorsten Brato and Jakob R. E. Leimgruber (eds.). fc. African Englishes and Multilingualism for the Transformative Development of Postcolonial Africa. London: Bloomsbury.

Brato, Thorsten. fc. "Exploring the evolution of African Englishes through diachronic corpora", in Ngefac, Aloysius, Paul Zang Zang, Thorsten Brato and Jakob R. E. Leimgruber (eds.). fc. African Englishes and Multilingualism for the Transformative Development of Postcolonial Africa. London: Bloomsbury.

Brato, Thorsten. fc. Ghana. In Raymond Hickey & Kate Burridge (eds.), New Cambridge History of the English Language, Volume VI: Africa, Asia, Australasia and the Pacific. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Schmalz, Mirjam, Sarah Buschfeld, Manuela Vida-Mannl & Thorsten Brato (eds.). 2024. Acquisition and variation in World Englishes: Bridging paradigms and rethinking approaches. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Regnoli, Giuliana & Thorsten Brato. 2024. "Speech rhythm in Cameroon English: a cross-generational study". In Mirjam Schmalz, Sarah Buschfeld, Manuela Vida-Mannl & Thorsten Brato (eds.), Acquisition and variation in World Englishes: Bridging paradigms and rethinking approaches. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Brato, Thorsten. 2022. Studying vowels in African Englishes: Past, present, and future. In Aloysius Ngefac, Hans-Georg Wolf, Thomas Hoffmann & Augustin Simo Bobda (eds.), World Englishes and Creole languages today: Vol. II: The Bobdian Thinking and Beyond. Muenchen: Lincom, 41-61.

Meer, Phillip, Thorsten Brato &  Jose Alejandro Matute Flores. 2021. "Extending automatic vowel formant extraction to New Englishes: A comparison of different methods", English World-Wide 42(1), 54-84, https://doi.org/10.1075/eww.00060.mee.

Brato, Thorsten. 2020a. “Extra- and intraterritorial forces in the development of Ghanaian English”. In Sarah Buschfeld & Alexander Kautzsch (eds.), Modelling current linguistic realities of English world-wide: the Extra- and Intra-territorial Forces Model put to the test. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 371-394,

Brato, Thorsten. 2020b. "Noun phrase complexity in Ghanaian English". World Englishes 39(3), 377-393, https://doi.org/10.1111/weng.12479

Brato, Thorsten. 2019a. “The Historical Corpus of English in Ghana (HiCE Ghana): Motivation, Compilation, Opportunities”. In Alexandra Esimaje, Ulrike Gut & Bassey E. Antia (eds.), Corpus Linguistics and African Englishes. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 119-141.

Brato, Thorsten. 2019b. “Lexical expansion in Ghanaian English from a diachronic perspective: A structural and semantic analysis”. In Alexandra Esimaje, Ulrike Gut & Bassey E. Antia (eds.), Corpus Linguistics and African Englishes. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 259-291.

Brato, Thorsten. 2018. “'Outdooring' the Historical Corpus of English in Ghana”. English Today 34 (2), 25–34, https://doi.org/10.1017/S0266078417000517

Brato, Thorsten. 2016. Variation and change in Aberdeen English: A sociophonetic study. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.

Brato, Thorsten. 2016. “Review: Ole Schützler - A sociophonetic approach to Scottish Standard English”. English Language and Linguistics 20 (2), 364–369.

Brato, Thorsten. 2015. “A pilot study of acoustic features of word-final affricated /t/ and /ts/ in educated Ghanaian English”. In Rita Calabrese, J. K. Chambers & Gerhard Leitner (eds.), Language Variation and Change in Postcolonial Contexts. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 61-78.

Brato, Thorsten. 2014. “Accent variation and change in North-East Scotland: the case of (HW) in Aberdeen”. In Robert Lawson (ed.), Sociolinguistics in Scotland: Current Perspectives on Scots, Scottish English and Gaelic. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 32–52.

Brato, Thorsten. 2012. A Sociophonetic Study of Aberdeen English: Innovation and Conservatism. Gießen: Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, PhD thesis.

Brato, Thorsten & Magnus Huber. 2012. “English in Africa”. In Raymond Hickey (ed.), Areal Features of the Anglophone World. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 161–185.

Brato, Thorsten. 2011. “’Arrah, ye comin’ oo’ for a game o’ fi’ba ren?’ vs. ’Hello, you coming out for a game of soccer tonight?’: Jugendkultur und Sprachwandel in Aberdeen”. In Janine Hauthal, Martin Zierold & Horst Carl (eds.), Kulturwissenschaften exemplarisch: Gießener Forschungsbeiträge zu acht Kernkompetenzen. Trier: WVT, 115–135.

Brand, Christiane, Thorsten Brato, Stefanie Dose & Sandra Götz. 2010. “Norms in educational linguistics: An introduction”. In Stefanie Dose, Sandra Götz, Thorsten Brato & Christiane Brand (eds.), Norms in Educational Linguistics: Linguistic, didactic and cultural perspectives - Normen in Educational Linguistics: Sprachwissenschaftliche, didaktische und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1–7.

Dose, Stefanie, Sandra Götz, Thorsten Brato & Christiane Brand (eds.). 2010. Norms in Educational Linguistics: Linguistic, didactic and cultural perspectives - Normen in Educational Linguistics: Sprachwissenschaftliche, didaktische und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.

Brato, Thorsten. 2007. “Accent variation in adolescents in Aberdeen: First results for (hw) and (th)”. In Jürgen Trouvain & William J. Barry (eds.), Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Saarbrücken: Universität des Saarlandes, 1489–1492.

Brato, Thorsten. 2006. “Rez. ’Danielle A.V. Löw-Wiebach. Language Attitudes and Language Use in Pitmedden (Aberdeenshire). Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2005’”. KULT_online, www.post-graduates.net/wps/pgn/home/KULT_online/11-5/.

  1. Faculty of Languages, Literature, and Cultures
  2. Department of English and American Studies

Dr. Thorsten Brato

Room PT 3.2.80