A new perspective on the evolution of Ghanaian English. International Congress of Linguistics 20. Cape Town, 02-06/07.
A real-time corpus-based study of the progressive in Ghanaian English. 4th Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English. Poznan, 19/09.
Workshop: "Diachronic Change in New Englishes" (co-organised with Robert Fuchs and Ariane M. Borlongan), 4th Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English. Poznan, 19/09.
A real-time analysis of lexical expansion in the Nativization phase of Ghanaian English. Sociolinguistics Symposium 21. Murcia, 16/06.
Lexical expansion in Ghanaian English: A real-time analysis. ICAME 37. Hong Kong, 27/05.
Lexical innovation in the early nativization phase in Ghanaian English: a corpus-based analysis. 21st Conference of the International Association for World Englishes, Istanbul, 08/10.
Lexical Innovation in the Nativization Phase of a New English. FJUEL 5.0. Bayreuth, 18/09.
The emergence of social varieties in Ghanaian English. Accents 2008: II International conference on native and non-native accents of English. Łodz, 12/12. (with Magnus Huber)
Designing a historic corpus of a 'New English': a case study of English in Ghana. Technische Universität Dresden. Dresden, 13/11.
The historic corpus of written Ghanaian English: an outline. Culture in Language: Language in Media, Variation in Research. Chemnitz, 18/07.
The interplay of Scots and English in Glasgow and Aberdeen: a sociophonetic perspective. Universität Siegen. Siegen, 17/01.
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