Are you curious about European dimensions within US-American culture? Are you interested in histories of entangled spaces, forms of cultural exchange beyond and across borders, and political debate and responsibilities? Are you looking for inspiring intellectual exchange? Then apply for this master's program at the University of Regensburg! Benefit from the special combination of scholarly expertise, cutting-edge research, and practical experience in this master's program and become a part of the international research community offered at the University of Regensburg!
You can find the objectives for the program here!
What to expect
After an introduction to fundamentals of transnational American Studies (modules 1 and 2), you will have the chance to participate in courses from our three main pillars (modules 3-5):
- "spaces, regions, spheres"
- "mobilities and cultural transfers"
- "politics and responsibilities"
Finally, you can deepen your understanding by focusing on an area of your choice (modules 6, 7, or 8).
- 4 semesters / 120 credit points (including M.A. thesis)
- 10 courses + M.A. thesis + freely selectable project or practical component (internship)
Master of Arts (M.A.)
Studien-/Prüfungsordnung vor WS 2012/2013
Studien-/Prüfungsordnung ab WS 2012/2013
Studien-/Prüfungsordnung ab WS 2018/2019
When to apply? Deadline: 1 June (to start your studies in the following winter semester)
The program starts: every winter term (October)
General Information
Further general information that might help you get started with your studies is provided on the department website.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Dr. Carmen Dexl
American Studies
University of Regensburg
93040 Regensburg
Phone: 0941-943 3507
Fax: 0941-943 3590
E-Mail: carmen.dexl@ur.de
Curriculum for students starting in 2018 or later
Curriculum for students who started in 2017 or earlier
Curriculum (for students starting in 2018 or later)
The current course catalog for MEAS will help you find courses for the respective modules. Please note that in modules 3-5 you will be able to choose among several courses offered in the respective area each semester, e.g., there will be different thematic courses on European-American spaces, regions, and spheres for module 3.
The module handbook (Modulbeschreibung) provides detailed information concerning credit points (ECTS), workload, course requirements etc.
Curriculum (for students who started in 2017 or earlier)
The module handbook (Modulbeschreibung bis 2017) provides detailed information concerning credit points (ECTS), workload, course requirements etc.
Application Deadline
1 June (to start your studies in the following winter semester)
For the Spring 2025 application period, we are transitioning the application process to a digital platform (SPUR). SPUR will go online approximately by mid-April 2025. We ask that you please hold your applications until then and submit them via SPUR after it goes live. Please watch this space for further announcements.
- Applicants are required to hold an above-average first academic degree completed in a program with components related to the study of North America and Europe-usually a B.A., state exam, or equivalent, or a higher academic degree.
- Applicants must also demonstrate their aptitude for the American Studies graduate program. See the application documents and procedures below.
- The M.A. program in European-American Studies is an English-language program. Applicants must possess an excellent command of English at level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages or higher (or equivalent). (UR students please note: successful completion of the General Language Course C certifies English skills on level C1).
Application Documents
Please send the following documents as one PDF-file (in the order indicated below) by e-mail to american.studies@ur.de:
- CV (including the exact titles + grades of your qualifications as well as the full name of the university you received your B.A./academic degree from, documentation of relevant stays abroad, documentation of relevant academic and extra-curricular activities such as internships, projects, etc.)
- a cover letter in English (approx. two pages)
- B.A. certificate (or equivalent): if the B.A. certificate is not yet available, please include an official transcript amounting to at least 150 credit points or 5/6 of the required courses and exams of your program.
- certified translation of B.A./academic degree certificate (only if certificate is NOT in German or English)
- a transcript of academic records, that lists the attended courses and documents hitherto achieved credit points (at least 150 credit points) as well as your grade average
- certified translation of transcript (only if transcript is NOT in German or English)
- a thesis-driven academic essay (including works cited) in English of 12,000-15,000 characters (including blanks). The topic for the winter term 2025/26 will be posted in April 2025.
- English-language certificate (level C1 or equiv.): this is an obligatory document in order to apply (even if your BA was in English!). Exception: Only if you have obtained a study degree at a secondary or post-secondary American institution, you do not need to submit an English language certificate. (UR students please note: successful completion of the General Language Course C certifies English skills on level C1).
- Certificate of your secondary school degree (high school or equiv.)
- certified translation of certificate of your secondary school degree (only if it is NOT in German or English)
- international applicants: copy of passport
- applicants from China, Vietnam, and India: APS Certificate
- any other relevant certificates
Please note:
- All documents must be in either English or German. Simple copies of certificates and certified translations are sufficient for the application. However, all original documents must be shown at the Registrar's Office for enrollment.
- The M.A. program in European-American Studies is an English-language program. It is recommended to hold or acquire basic German language skills (level A1 or equiv.) in order to benefit fully from the interdisciplinary range of the program and attend classes in related disciplines.
For questions concerning your application, please contact Dr. Carmen Dexl.
Please visit the International Office's website for further information for international students.
Further general information that might help you get started with your studies is provided on the department website.
Orientation Program "Startklar" for International Students
Dr. Carmen Dexl
American Studies
University of Regensburg
93040 Regensburg
Phone: 0941-943 3507
Fax: 0941-943 3590
E-Mail: carmen.dexl@ur.de
This master's program allows you to include electives in independent EAS, i.e. seminars and courses of your choice, within your studies and/or do an internship at an institution of your choice (modules 6, 7, or 8). You can complete the internship in the semester breaks between your 2nd and 4th semesters or, if the internship takes more than 3 months, during the semester.
To find a suitable position and get an overview where students have done their internships in the past, you can have a look at the Grad Student Forum.
In addition, the following links might be helpful to find an internship position:
- For a list of possible internship offers abroad, please visit the website of the International Office.
- Funding options for internships in Europe with ERASMUS+ and outside of Europe with PROMOS
- Internship Links to search engines and placement agencies worldwide
It is possible, but not obligatory, to take an "Urlaubssemester" (semester off) for an internship or stay abroad. For more information, please visit the website of the Studentenkanzlei.
M.A. Thesis
At the end of your course of study you are required to write a master's thesis in order to illustrate your academic skills.
- Talk to your chosen thesis advisor (approximately around the end of your 3rd semester).
- To register your M.A. thesis at the Prüfungsamt (not in FlexNow), please fill in the registration form "Antrag auf Zulassung zur Masterarbeit." The thesis can be registered at any time during the semester; there are no specific registration dates for each semester. Once your thesis is registered, you have four months to write it. Students have to be enrolled the entire time it takes for them to write and hand in the thesis.
- Length: 60-80 pages
- Submit 3 copies: 2 printed copies, 1 digital copy (pdf)
- Title page: see "Anlage 2" of the "Studien-/Prüfungsordnung"
- To verify that your work (= ideas, structure, words) is wholly your own and that material from the work or works of others has been cited, you need to submit a signed plagiarism declaration with every piece of written work.
- You can look at the written assessment of your M.A. thesis in the Prüfungsamt within one month after having received your M.A. grade (but not afterward).
More Information
See §21 and §22 of the "Studien-/Prüfungsordnung" for detailed information on writing and registering your M.A. thesis.
M.A. Certificate
The M.A. certificate is issued in German and English.
Final Grade
- Final grade (for students who started in 2018 or later): the overall grades of modules 1 and 2 count 5 % each, of modules 3-5 20 % each, and of the M.A. thesis 30 % toward your final grade.
- Final grade (for students who started in 2017 or earlier): the overall grades of modules EAS-M31, EAS-M32/33/34 + M.A. thesis count 1/3 each toward your final grade.
Getting Your Certificate
- Once you have completed all modules including your M.A. thesis (at the end of your sixth semester at the very latest), fill in the "Antrag auf Ausstellung des Abschlusszeugnisses" and take it to the Prüfungsamt. You can either pick your certificate up in person (you will be informed via e-mail when you can do so) or have it sent to a postal address of your choice.
Are you curious about European dimensions within US-American culture? Are you interested in histories of entangled spaces, forms of cultural exchange beyond and across borders, and political debate and responsibilities? Are you looking for inspiring intellectual exchange? Then apply for this master's program at the University of Regensburg! Benefit from the special combination of scholarly expertise, cutting-edge research, and practical experience in this master's program and become a part of the international research community offered at the University of Regensburg!
You can find the objectives for the program here!
What to expect
After an introduction to fundamentals of transnational American Studies (modules 1 and 2), you will have the chance to participate in courses from our three main pillars (modules 3-5):
- "spaces, regions, spheres"
- "mobilities and cultural transfers"
- "politics and responsibilities"
Finally, you can deepen your understanding by focusing on an area of your choice (modules 6, 7, or 8).
- 4 semesters / 120 credit points (including M.A. thesis)
- 10 courses + M.A. thesis + freely selectable project or practical component (internship)
Master of Arts (M.A.)
Studien-/Prüfungsordnung vor WS 2012/2013
Studien-/Prüfungsordnung ab WS 2012/2013
Studien-/Prüfungsordnung ab WS 2018/2019
When to apply? Deadline: 1 June (to start your studies in the following winter semester)
The program starts: every winter term (October)
General Information
Further general information that might help you get started with your studies is provided on the department website.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Dr. Carmen Dexl
American Studies
University of Regensburg
93040 Regensburg
Phone: 0941-943 3507
Fax: 0941-943 3590
E-Mail: carmen.dexl@ur.de