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Room: | U 003 and PT 4.0.56 | |
Phone: | 0941 943 3582 | |
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Yih-Shiuan Lin is a postdoc researcher funded by a DFG project. She received her PhD in the lab of Prof. Mark Greenlee in December 2022. Her work focuses on investigating lateral modulation in human vision such as exhibited in filling-in by means of psychophysics, computational modeling, and fMRI. Her PhD project and the now DFG project are part of the collaboration between the lab of Prof. Greenlee and the lab of Prof. Chien-Chung Chen in National Taiwan University. At the same time, she has been working with Dr. Maka Malania on a project involving understanding the effect of perceptual learning on visual crowding. She has also gained research experience in a broad range of topics like binocular vision, perceptual grouping, and color vision during her master’s years in National Taiwan University. In addition, she is very interested in learning how to apply machine learning techniques for advanced data analysis in her own studies.
Fundings and Grants
2022/07 - 2025/06 DFG GR 988/27-1 Die neuronale Grundlage des perzeptuellen Filling-in (The neural mechanism of perceptual filling-in)
2021/08 - 2022/07 National Science and Technology Council, Taiwanese Overseas Pioneers Grants (TOP Grants) 2021
2017/10 - 2022/03 DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service/Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) ResearchGrants – Doctoral Programmes in Germany, 2017/18 (Forschungsstipendien - Promotionen in Deutschland, 2017/18)
Research focus
•Lateral modulation, Visual filling-in
•Perceptual grouping
•Color vision
•Depth perception
Journal Papers
- Lin, Y. S., Chen, C. C., & Greenlee, M. W. (2022). Neural correlates of lateral modulation and perceptual filling-in in center-surround radial sinusoidal gratings: an fMRI study. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-14.
- Lin, Y. S., Lin, L., & Chen, C. C. (2022). The role of color contrast gain control in global form perception. Journal of Vision, 22(6), 11-11.
- Lin, Y. S., Chen, C. C., & Greenlee, M. W. (2022). The role of lateral modulation in orientation-specific adaptation effect. Journal of Vision, 22(2), 13-13.
- Lin, Y. S., Chen, C. C., & Greenlee, M. W. (2020). Lateral modulation of orientation perception in center-surround sinusoidal stimuli: divisive inhibition in perceptual filling-in. Journal of Vision, 20(9), 5-5.
- Lin, Y. S., Cho, P. C., & Chen, C. C. (2017). Contrast gain control determines global form percept in tripole Glass patterns. Journal of Vision, 17(5), 2-2.
Conference Presentations
- Lin, Y. S., Chen, C. C., & Greenlee, M. W. (2022, Aug). The contour erasure effect on contrast discrimination. Oral session presented at ECVP 2022.
- Lin, Y. S., Chen, C. C., & Greenlee, M. W. (2022, May). Contour erasure increases the target threshold in a 2AFC contrast discrimination task. Poster session presented at VSS 2022.
- Lin, Y. S., Chen, C. C., & Greenlee, M. W. (2021, Aug). Divisive inhibition model explains the orientation-specific lateral modulation effect in center-surround sinusoidal stimuli in the periphery. Oral session presented at ECVP 2021.
- Lin, Y. S., Greenlee, M. W., & Malania, M. (2021, May). Does the training on a visual crowding task alter the population receptive field estimates? Poster session presented at V-VSS 2021.
- Lin, Y. S., Chen, C. C., & Greenlee, M. W. (2020, Jun). Neural Correlates of Perceptual Filling-In as Measured by Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Poster session presented at V-VSS 2020.
- Lin, Y. S., Chen, C. C. & Greenlee M. W. (2019, Dec). Tilt aftereffect (TAE) induced by perceptual filling-in. Poster session presented at the 5th NTU-Kyoto University International Symposium for Human Science (NK 2019), Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lin, Y. S., Chen, C. C. & Greenlee M. W. (2019, Jul). Divisive inhibition determines orientation discrimination threshold after adaptation to center-surround sinusoidal stimuli. Oral session presented at APCV 2019, Osaka, Japan.
- Lin, Y. S., Chen, C. C. & Greenlee M. W. (2019, May). Lateral modulation of orientation discrimination of center-surround sinusoidal stimuli in peripheral vision. Poster session presented at VSS 2019, Florida, USA.
- Lin, Y. S., Chen, C. C. & Greenlee M. W. (2018, Aug). Lateral inhibition linked to perceptual filling-in of sinusoidal annulus. Poster session presented at ECVP 2018, Trieste, Italy.
- Lin, Y. S. & Chen, C. C. (2017, Aug). Hierarchical processing in tripole Glass pattern perception. Poster session presented at ECVP 2017, Berlin, Germany. MOST 103-2410-H-002-076- MY3.
- Lin, Y. S. & Chen, C. C. (2016, Sep). The Effect of Color Contrast on Glass Pattern Perception. Poster session presented at Seeing Colors 2016, Regensburg, Germany. MOST 103-2410-H-002-076- MY3.
- Lin, Y. S. & Chen, C. C. (2016, Aug). The role of color contrast gain control in global form perception. Poster session presented at ECVP 2016, Barcelona, Spain. MOST 103-2410-H-002-076- MY3.
- Lin, Y. S. & Chen, C. C. (2016, May). Local contrast gain control determines global form percept in Glass pattern. Poster session presented at VSS 2016, Florida, USA. MOST 103-2410-H-002-076- MY3.
- Lin, Y. S. & Chen, C. C. (2015, Aug). Luminance prevailed over disparity in depth discrimination. Poster session presented at ECVP 2015, Liverpool, UK. MOST 102-2420-H-002-018-MY3.
- Lin, Y. S. & Yeh, S. L. (2014, May). Qualitative difference in categorical priming between conscious and unconscious processing of numbers: Evidence from visual crowding. Poster session presented at VSS 2014, Florida, USA. MOST 102-2815-C-002 -028-H.